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Mobility. What are the advantages of the sustainable mobility package for your company?

Sustainable mobility package: what’s changing

Up to now, employer-sponsored means of transport have covered 50% of the public transport subscription for employees who use them. For those who traveled by car, a partial reimbursement of fuel costs could be offered, offering employers the possibility of paying them up to € 200 tax-free. Same ceiling for cyclists, who could receive € 0.25 per kilometer traveled in the form of a bicycle kilometer allowance (IKV).

Unfortunately, this could not be combined with other reimbursement mechanisms and was sometimes difficult to set up for companies. However, nearly 75% of employees who live less than 5 km from their workplace travel by car. And of all home-work trips made in France in 2019, only 2% were made by bicycle.

The sustainable mobility package aims to remedy this sad fact. It brings up to date an economical, low-polluting means of transport, ideal for decongesting cities and excellent for the health of those who practice it. Indeed, pedaling boosts metabolism, maintains cardiovascular health, helps lose weight and improves endurance while having a positive impact on stress and anxiety!

This package is therefore more flexible for businesses. It offers higher (and closer to reality) support available to anyone who chooses to travel in a greener way. The advantages of the sustainable mobility package thus make it possible to offer both companies and employees a system that encourages ecological initiatives. The sustainable mobility package is also in sight with all social advantages offered by the company, thus promoting employee retention and their well-being.

The advantages of the sustainable mobility package in practice

From advantages of the sustainable mobility package, multi-modality and flexibility are at the heart of the issues. Beneficiaries can in fact use the premium paid to them “à la carte” on all the means of transport covered. Public transport, cycling, carpooling, electric vehicles, rental … the total amount can be offered in the form of ” mobility titles »To be used in the same way as restaurant tickets. They can thus be used to pay for carpooling trips, in bicycle shops, in gas stations, to finance the maintenance of plug-in hybrid vehicles or hydrogen, etc.

The maximum amount granted is € 500 per year and per person and has the particularity of being exempt from social charges, which is a significant asset for the company. On the employee side, the amount is tax-exempt: an additional way to encourage everyone to engage in soft mobility.

In concrete terms, everything is being done to make the adoption and use of the sustainable mobility package more practical, but above all more systematic, thanks to a solution that benefits both companies and employees.

An attractive investment for companies

In the short term, the French government estimates that 30% of employees will be able to benefit from advantages of the sustainable mobility package, hoping for a sustained gradual increase over the coming years.

If the operation has of course a cost for companies, this will be lessened by the absence of social charges applied to the sums in question. However, studies have shown that advantages of the sustainable mobility package go beyond the numbers. It will have a positive impact on companies by boosting productivity, reducing the number of delays, limiting the space required for parking and even taking care of the health of employees, possibly involving a reduction in sick leaves.

Indeed, cycling for home-work trips (velotaf) is not only good for your health, but it is also much less prone to the traffic problems that employees who use their cars face on a regular basis.

The sustainable mobility package helps boost employee motivation thanks to the leverage represented by the company’s commitment to Social and Environmental Responsibility and Quality of Life at Work. A major issue in access to employment, home-work journeys have an undeniable impact on purchasing power. Any action to strengthen it therefore wins the support of employees.

Concerned about reducing their environmental impact, employees want to work for organizations that share their values. The subject is also of such importance that it now forms part of the compulsory annual negotiations.

The advantages of the sustainable mobility package are numerous for companies wishing to make a concrete commitment for their employees through an HR policy in line with their current expectations.

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