Home » today » News » MOBILITY: “If the Bourgogne-Franche-Comté region does not want to take care of the north of Yonne, ask for it to be annexed to Île-de-France!”, Says Julien Odoul

MOBILITY: “If the Bourgogne-Franche-Comté region does not want to take care of the north of Yonne, ask for it to be annexed to Île-de-France!”, Says Julien Odoul

The regional councilor of the opposition makes the connection between the situations of commuter workers who go to Île-de-France from Burgundy-Franche-Comté or from Centre-Val de Loire.

Press release of the Burgundy-Franche-Comté National Meeting of December 13, 2022:

After the press conference held by the Rassemblement National group at the Regional Council last Friday in Sens, Julien Odoul, MP for the 3rd district of Yonne and president of the RN group in the region, took note of the answer given by Michel Neugnot, Vice-President of the transport region, during the Dimanche en Politique program on France 3 Bourgogne. Michel Neugnot notably conveyed the message that everything was going well on the Paris-Laroche Migennes line.

For Julien Odoul, this answer is an insult to the many complaints of Icaunais who have suffered for several years from a degraded transport offer at a very high price. While Normandy and the Centre-Val de Loire region have tariffs adapted to people working in the Paris region (Tempo Paris and Optiforfait season tickets), Burgundy-Franche-Comté does not have them and has never made an effort to negotiate one with Île- de -Region of France. This situation causes a colossal price distortion: between the SNCF and Navigo subscription, a Sénonais spends €347 a month when a resident of Montereau, bordering Yonne, pays only €75 or €213 for a resident of Montargis, in the Center -Val de Loire region, which has signed special prices.

At the same time, the Bourgogne-Franche-Comté socialist executive refuses to consider the problems concerning the new Regiolis trains whose capacity is severely limited in the face of a large number of passengers. Furthermore, while they should have been reserved for the Paris-Laroche-Dijon and Dijon-Besançon journeys, they end up on the Paris-Lyon journeys for which they are not suitable, causing many unbearable inconveniences. The Region also refuses to install maintenance workshops in Laroche-Migennes for this Paris-Laroche-Dijon line on the pretext that these are Paris-Lyon lines.

Finally, the regional left refuses to study a real passenger guarantee for delays and cancellations or to engage in a real tug of war with the SNCF for the fulfillment of its contract even if it means suspending the financial contribution like Normandy, the Île-de-France or Hauts-de-France.

“The situation in North Yonne is known. Since 2014 the situation has worsened and for three mandates Michel Neugnot explains to us that he can do absolutely nothing. However, Normandy and Centre-Val de Loire manage to negotiate with Valérie Pécresse! In reality, it is that the north of the Yonne, like the Mâconnais, like the Nivernais, like the Territoire de Belfort, which encounter similar problems, do not interest Marie-Guite Dufay and Michel Neugnot. They are ceremonial politicians, not everyday elected officials! However, it will be necessary to find a solution to the disastrous situation of the train and if the Region does not want to take care of creating transport conditions and therefore worthy development in the north of Yonne, if the Bourgogne Franche-Comté Region continues to treat the inhabitants with contempt and indifference, it could be necessary to end up asking for attachment to the Île-de-France Region! – Julien Odul

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