Photo: MSPAS
Communities of Chicacao and San Antonio, Suchitepéquez, were benefited from the comprehensive care days of the plan Mobile Vaccinewhich reaches the most remote towns in the country.
According to him Ministry of Public Health and Social Assistance (MSPAS), during this week the service will also be available in Eca Bella Linda, San Antonio Las Flores, Victorias canton, San Juan Coca and Brisas del Moca, in Chicacao. On the other hand, in San Mauricio, Monsignor Rosario, Santa Rita community, Bolivia y Canales village, in Santo Domingo.
The care provided includes general consultation, prenatal control, Papanicolaou examination and vaccination for children under 5 years of age, which helps prevent diseases. In addition, family planning, start and complement of various inoculation schemes, care for childhood nutrition, dewormers and vitamins.
The plan began in communities of Chiquimula, Jalapa and Alta Verapaz. Subsequently, the units and personnel from the portfolio traveled to Huehuetenango, Totonicapán, San Marcos, El Progreso, as well as the Ixil region, Ixcán and central Quiché, Quetzaltenango and Sololá.
The Mobile Vaccine unit continues touring remote communities in the country, as part of the strategies of the #MSPAS to bring the broad portfolio of services to Guatemalans.
On this occasion, he served the population of Morazán Viejo, Génova, Quetzaltenango.
— Ministry of Public Health (@MinSaludGuate) June 28, 2023
2023-07-12 02:14:26
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