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Mobile telephony in one subscription for the whole family: do you benefit from it? And what are your options? | MyGuide

MytelcoFamily cell phone plans have been and continue to be a popular choice for many families. Different numbers with one provider, whether or not in combination with fixed services: that makes everything clear and easy to manage. But is that also the cheapest option? And which providers can you turn to for this? Mijntelco.be figured it out.

By Felix Ferret, in collaboration with Mijntelco


Ease of use or money saving

Benefits of a family plan
By bundling the mobile subscriptions of various family members with one provider and possibly including TV and/or internet, you save yourself a lot of administrative hassle. At the end of the month you will receive one statement and a clear list of the use of all your telecom services.

The simple management of the different numbers in a family bundle is also an additional advantage. Nowadays every operator has an app with which you can keep an eye on your consumption. This is useful for parents, for example, especially when their offspring threaten to exceed the data limit at the end of the month.

Gain insight into your and your kids’ data usage: this is how much popular apps consume per hour.

Disadvantages of a family subscription
This ease of use is of course offset by the fact that all your services are with one operator. In many cases this is not the cheapest option. It is therefore interesting to check whether the ease of use outweighs what you could possibly save by choosing another operator for mobile telephony, and possibly also internet or TV.

What options are there?

Today, only the major operators Telenet, Proximus and Orange offer family subscriptions. That is, subscriptions that include several numbers. With other operators you always have to take out an extra, separate subscription. That makes things a little more administratively complicated.

At Telenet, a family subscription is only possible in one ONE formula, to which you must add at least internet and mobile telephony. The cheapest formula, the one for two SIM cards, costs EUR 90 per month for unlimited internet at a speed of up to 150 Mbps, unlimited calls and 300 GB of mobile data for each number. If you add a third number to that, then 18.88 per month will be added. Two additional numbers will cost you 34.59 euros extra. This way you can add up to four extra numbers. In that case you pay 135 euros per month.

It makes ONE one of the more expensive family bundles, but you certainly don’t have to worry about a shortage of data. After all, with 300 GB per month, at a relatively competitive price, you are set.

Tip: Here you will find all prices, including promos, for a ONE family subscription with Telenet.


The costs of adding a number to your Proximus bundle are lower, namely 10 euros per number. You can also add up to five additional numbers. This makes Proximus the champion for the price per extra number and for the number of numbers you can add to your pack.

The cheapest bundle, Flex XS, will cost you 76.99 euros per month. This includes unlimited internet at a maximum speed of 100 Mbps, unlimited calls and 5 GB of mobile data per number. A bundle with six numbers will cost you 116.99 euros per month.

Tip: Here you will find all prices, including promos, for a Flex family subscription with Proximus.


With Orange, just like with Telenet, you can add a maximum of four extra numbers to your bundle. You can take out a subscription for mobile telephony only, which is unique. Adding each additional number will cost you 11 euros per month for the cheapest bundle: Go Light. With every number in your bundle you can call 150 minutes a month and use 2 GB of mobile data.

If you take that formula with internet (Love Duo with Go Light), you pay 56 euros per month for two numbers, with unlimited internet at a maximum speed of 150 Mbps. For five numbers, that comes to 86 euros per month.

If you want unlimited calls and more mobile data, you can opt for Go Plus. The subscription includes unlimited calling minutes and 11 GB of mobile data per number. For two numbers you pay 42 euros per month and each additional number costs you 21 euros extra per month. You then pay 105 euros per month for five numbers. Love Duo with Go Plus will cost you 68 euros per month for two songs, 116 euros for five songs.

Tip: Here you will find all prices, including promos, for a Go family subscription with Orange.

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This article was brought to you by our partner Mijntelco.be.
Mijntelco.be is an independent telecom comparator of internet, mobile telephony, television and landline.

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