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Mobile phones won’t function anymore and disposal is inevitable.

Some smartphones will soon become obsolete and cannot be used. Technological passion

Technology advances and new systems enter the market for this, soon, many cell phone models will no longer work.

Before buying a new smartphone model it is necessary to keep in mind many elements, first of all to understand what your own needs are. The smartphone can be used for entertainment, but there are many useful apps to use for your work and planning your day.

On the market there are all types and for all budgets, for the same price it is always better to choose devices equipped with more RAM and the latest generation processors. These are the elements that make it fastest smartphone and they decrease the chances of it crashing during intensive use.

The characteristics of the camera have the greatest impact on the price, today smartphones can be equipped with an optical compartment that rivals a professional digital camera. The greater the number of cameras and the relative resolution, the higher the cost of the device.

Among other features to consider there is certainly the battery life, which depends a lot on how you use your smartphone. Calls and messages consume relatively little, but video calls or watching videos on other platforms can cause the battery to drain very quickly.

Which cell phones will no longer work

For some years there has also been talk of the transition to 5G the new fastest network that should completely revolutionize the future. The introduction of 5G will simplify mobility and allow users to stay connected even when switching from internal to external wireless connections without performing additional authentication.

5g technology will retire 3g smartphones. Technological passion

5G technology will probably retire i devices with 3G connectivity, The smartphones equipped with 3G only they will then become obsolete and need to be replaced. Only those equipped with a 128k sim can be used, but only for calls and text messages, using the 2G network, while the internet connection will become very slow. In addition to smartphones, the problem could be for all those home automation devices, such as alarms, which still rely on 3G technology.

On the other hand, you need to keep in mind that the 5G technology it will improve the connection in rural areas and in those where 4G technology cannot meet the demand. The new network will bring benefits in various sectors, in the health sector, for example, it will allow patients to be monitored constantly even remotely. Important innovations will also be introduced by the automotive industry, in particular with regard to new self-driving vehicles.

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