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mobile collections have resumed… “the needs remain as great as ever”

The French Blood Establishment announced on October 17, 2024 the resumption of its mobile collections. They had been interrupted during the previous week, “due to unforeseen circumstances”, in this case the crisis situation that the territory is still experiencing. The new itinerant schedule for the EFS bus is currently scheduled until next Saturday 26.

On its Facebook page, the French Blood Establishment says itself “relieved” due to the resumption of its mobile collections since last Thursday (October 17). Indeed, “the last few days have been very difficult” admits the public service of the gift.

Some days we had less than 5 donors. Our teams remained and remain mobilized day and night to ensure the continuity of our essential activity. We would also like to thank the donors who came.

However, “the need for blood products remains as important as ever”, the opportunity for the Establishment to remind people of the need to donate blood.

In France, donating blood is an act of citizenship and solidarity (…). Whether patients with chronic or genetic diseases, such as sickle cell anemia, cancers, or victims of hemorrhages caused by a road accident, surgery or childbirth, everyone can one day have need a transfusion.

Our public service mission is structured around four fundamental ethical principles which guarantee the health and safety of donors and patients: anonymity, voluntary service, non-profit and volunteering.

The new schedule of mobile collections from the EFS (the French Blood Establishment) in Martinique, from October 17 to 26, 2024. • ©EFS Martinique

In France, 500,000 people are treated each year, thanks to blood donations.

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