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MMA. Lil Masti at Wojewódzki’s: I do not want to fight with “Pudzian”

Lil Masti, was previously known under the pseudonym SexMasterka. At one time she launched the song “Poka owl”. She is a favorite of Internet users. As a child, she trained wrestling for six years, and successfully competed in the FAME MMA and High League, where she competed in the so-called freak fighty. During a visit to the Kuba Wojewódzki program, the influencer boasted about her achievements in martial arts. She argued that she is strong and her favorite surface is the ground floor.

– I have the body of a wrestler. I have quite short, well-built legs. I am well muscled up here too, although I could, I could be more, she said.

A few weeks ago, Lil Masti defeated the titled boxer Ewa Brodnicka during the High League gala in a quite spectacular way. – It was a huge challenge. After all, she is a five-time world boxing champion. She said she would piss me off, that the fight would last five seconds, and I understand that, but at one point she crossed that line. Anyway, the audience thought so too. But I verified it all during the fight and I did something that no one ever did – she added.

The well-known showman said provocatively to Lil Masti: – You will not enter the cage with “Pudzian” – The High League player thought for a moment, nodded her head and replied: – With “Pudzian”? Hmm … not my weight class and he won’t do my weight class, and I’m not going to do it – she finished.

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