Already on the first day in office and at the first SPK meeting that he presided over today (Wednesday) Gonder clarified Kobi YacoviActing Security Service Commissioner, who took over the position of the outgoing Commissioner Rabbi Gonder Cathy Perry, because he intends to promote a law that would require Security Service officers to undergo a polygraph test and an occupational placement test befitting a large organization just as is customary in the police.
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Gonder Jacobi instructed the legal advisor of the Shavas to act to promote the law and noted that attorney Eran Nahon, the ombudsman who was pushed aside by Commissioner Perry, will be reinstated. According to him, since the Shavas is an important and central link in the chain of fighting terrorism and crime, he Intends to make the incarceration conditions of the prisoners worse according to the reports written on the subject.
Superintendent Kobi Yacovi (Photo: None)
In addition, the Acting Commissioner of the Security Service intends to establish a dedicated headquarters body for the professional treatment of security prisoners for the implementation of a horizontal policy in all wings and prisons, as well as to promote the issue of cell phone blocking. To see to the promotion of the establishment of a dedicated wing and later a dedicated facility for arch-terrorists and heads of criminal organizations.
At the yeshiva, Gonder Jacobi noted that “Shavas has gone through some difficult upheavals in recent times.” The escape of the security prisoners from the Gilboa prison, the reopening of the custody case, other and difficult events that were discovered in the Ramon prison and other facilities – all of these oblige us to an in-depth and uncompromising examination. I do not intend to paint a negative and black picture of the organization here, but I do not intend to close my eyes. This is the challenge for all of us. As mentioned, we must not dismiss these cases as local problems and many of the issues that have arisen and those that will arise are partly derived from the events and lessons of the past.”
The government approved the appointment of Commissioner Kobi Yacovi as Acting Security Service Commissioner ten days ago. Yacovi has so far served as the personal secretary of the Minister of National Security Itamar Ben Gabir – who chose him as a candidate for the position after he decided that the term of Commissioner Katy Perry would not be extended
Shavas officers believe that already in the first meeting it can be learned that Gonder Jacobi intends to fully assimilate the teachings of the Minister of National Security Itamar Ben Gabir.