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MKG rules out interference from US and Canadian embassies

“There is a legitimate concern about the legal part of the trade agreement,” said Mauricio Kuri

Nayeli Hernandez


The statements made by the embassies of the United States and Canada, regarding concerns about judicial reform, are not an interference in national politics, since the Trade Agreement with both nations contemplates legal issues that may generate concern between these countries, said the governor of the state, Mauricio Kuri González.

Following statements by the President of Mexico, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, on the pause in diplomatic relations with the embassies of the United States and Canada in Mexico, following statements made by the heads of diplomatic missions in the country, who expressed their concern about the risks that the approval of the Judicial Reform could entail.

The ambassadors of the United States, Ken Salazar, and Canada, Graeme C. Clark, warned of the risks of the judicial reform promoted by López Obrador, considering that in addition to representing a risk to democracy, it is also a risk to the Mexico-United States trade relationship, since it could be a gateway for crime to enter the legal system.

President López Obrador considered these statements as “imprudent and interventionist opinions,” and he said that relations will be paused until there is a clarification or an apology from the ambassadors.

In this regard, Mauricio Kuri said that the statements made by the representatives of the US and Canada in Mexico are not interventionist, as there is a legitimate concern about the legal part of the trade agreement between both countries and Mexico.

“Being trading partners and having a large investment in Mexico, from my very personal perspective and, of course, respecting the presidential office, I think that we have also made a call to the American arms manufacturing companies that come to Mexico. I think that in this society that we have, in the free trade agreement, there are also aspects of legal certainty, therefore, from my very personal point of view, I do not see it as interference in national politics,” he said.

He highlighted the relationship that exists between the United States and Querétaro, with a large number of American investments in the state, the result of a trade agreement that has been in place for 20 years, which he said, “has been very useful to Querétaro for our growth” and has given the state competitiveness.

“I think we really need to take this relationship with the United States very seriously. The 3,000-kilometer border we have with the United States is much more than just politics,” he added.

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