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Mixed reality glasses: how they work, launch Apple

Los mixed reality glasses are the new project of Apple that has arisen due to the delay that the launching his virtual reality glasses and its augmented reality glasseswhich still do not finish their production for different reasons.

The delay suffered by launching of the augmented reality glasses of Applealthough its announcement was very popular, it has led this United States company to find new solutions to speed up its offers and not be left behind in the competitive market of the technologyabove all, within the framework of the development of so many projects that combine the reality with the virtual world and they generate a connection between humans and robots or the virtual world that promises to be the future of humanity.

For the same, Apple has announced that it is preparing mixed reality glasses that they will be on the market in a few months and that they will overcome some of the technical difficulties that they have been learning along the way of designing their virtual reality glasses and its augmented reality glassesso its design and production will be much faster and more accurate.

These mixed reality glasses They are going to combine the technology of the virtual reality with the one of the augmented reality and its launch is being considered to be included in the offer of the metaversoto allow users who have them to interact in an even more real way with their activities on this virtual universeeither working (and even earning money), in leisure activities or simply discovering what surrounds them from the comfort of their home, but with the mind totally connected through their lenses.

Furthermore, these mixed reality glasses They promise to be of a light and innovative design, so that they give the sensation of being a lenses ordinary, but with the plus of connect to the virtual world. What is important to recognize is that this idea of ​​lightweight design may take longer, as the launching of the mixed reality glasses What is expected by the end of 2024 or the beginning of 2025 will rather be following the traditional models of virtual reality glasses that we know so far. According to Mark Gurman, technology reporter, “[el lanzamiento de unos lentes de AR livianos] now seems many years away, if ever.”

The main difference between these mixed reality glasses with previous projects Apple is that it offers a more immersive reality where you can play, watch content and take advantage of hardware that allows access to the digital reality with cheaper and more accessible costs. If the plans Apple work and the brand manages to place its lenses at affordable prices by 2024, then it will be the biggest competition from Meta, a company that is facing a turbulent moment, and that seeks to bet on this type of technology in the great masses.

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