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Mixed Performance in European Markets with Positive News for Leonardo and Negative for Industrie De Nora

Positive intonation for Leonardo. On the other hand, Industrie De Nora was down sharply after some shareholders concluded the sale of 11.5 million shares

The major indices of Borsa Italiana and the main European financial centres record fractional declines. Pierre Veyret – technical analyst of ActivTrades – reported that risk appetite is slowly decliningtaking a breather from the sharp bull run that began last week as further macro developments are awaited. “The Stoxx-50 is still trading above the 4,300 level, near its uptrend line and between both of its moving averages (13 and 21), while the RSI shows no signs of an early breakout” , highlighted the expert.

At 14.15 the FTSEMib it was down 0.29% at 26,947 points, after hitting an intraday low of 26,894 points. At the same time the FTSE Italia All Share recorded a decrease of 0.28%. Minus sign also for the FTSE Italia Mid Cap (-0.21%) and for the FTSE Italia Star (-0,52%).

Il bitcoin it fluctuates around 28,500 dollars (just over 26,000 euros).

Lo spread Btp-Bund he returned below 185 points, with the yield of the ten-year BTP which stands at 4.1%.

L’euro it dropped below $1.095.

Positive intonation for Leonardo (+0,18% a 11,07 euro). The subsidiary DRS communicated that it has obtained a contract worth over one billion dollars, relating to the supply of components for some US Navy submarines.

Enel (+1.43%) leads the rise in utilities.

In sharp decline, however, Iveco Group (-3,28%) e Pirelli (-3,64%).

Nora Industry recorded a drop of 4.55% to 17.63 euros. Asset Company 10 (wholly owned subsidiary of Snam), Federico De Nora and Norfin concluded the sale of 11.5 million shares at a unit price of 17.08 euro for a total consideration of approximately 196 million euro. The price incorporates a 7.5% discount compared to the closing value of Industrie De Nora in the session of April 4, 2023.

Benefits taken up Olidata (-8,48% a 0,41 euro)after the strong rise achieved in the previous two sessions.

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