Home » today » World » Mitsotakis: The next phase of governance and the unknown X of the opposition – 2024-09-11 12:18:51

Mitsotakis: The next phase of governance and the unknown X of the opposition – 2024-09-11 12:18:51

Kyriakos Mitsotakis and the hundreds of government officials had a pleasant weekend in Thessaloniki, without surprises, pleasant or unpleasant.

It was one of the few times that almost everything was discounted, from the announcements, to the questions and answers at the press conference.

Following these, the conclusions and the political horizon are essentially clear. Apart from shocking contingencies, which can neither be predicted nor ruled out.

The prime minister now expects the implementation of his announcements by the ministers and all those involved, he intends to exhaust the four years, he insists that he will not move to Europe or elsewhere, he is not prepared for bold or bold moves in the constitutional revision, such as the separation of state- church, leaves the right wing of the ND to dream of right turns and hopes that his announcements will once again convince that part of his electoral audience that turned their backs on him in the European elections to trust him again in 2027.

The question of “recovery of momentum”

In a sense, with this year’s TIF, Kyriakos Mitsotakis seems to be at a pivotal point in his prime ministerial term. Either he will manage to reverse the peculiar political condition of running unopposed, but always stumbling somewhere, or he will somehow regain his momentum and confirm his political dominance.

As far as the government is concerned, this is the data and it is still alone in facing the problems and crises and moods of the citizens.

However, the critical condition of the political setting is likely to be influenced by other parameters. And the most basic of them is the correlation of forces in the field of the opposition. The disruption in PASoK and SYRIZA is that element of the basic pending and political distortion of the last years, which may in the current situation and if the landscape becomes clear for both parties, offer alternative proposals. If that happens, the first polls towards the end of the year will show whether there are signs of political upheaval. Despite the general complacency, some in the government know this too.

#Mitsotakis #phase #governance #unknown #opposition

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