Home » today » World » Mitsotakis: In 2025 our homeland will finally have a land register – The changes – 2024-10-03 15:12:53

Mitsotakis: In 2025 our homeland will finally have a land register – The changes – 2024-10-03 15:12:53

Our country will acquire a land register in 2025, as Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis said, from the floor of the plenary session of the Parliament, in the discussion of the bill of the Ministry of Digital Governance for the completion of land registration.

“I took the floor to point out the economic, social and technological footprint of the land register. To connect the changes this brings with the overall modernization plan of our country” said Kyriakos Mitsotakis.

“We are essentially the only European state without a land register in the 21st century. A backlog that this government had to come to solve. In 2025, our country will finally have a land register. An accurate map of public and private real estate. With demarcated forests and beaches, with clearly marked what belongs to the state and what belongs to the citizen and with clear rules that will facilitate collective development as well as individual transactions. Without “loopholes” of arbitrariness and lawlessness,” he emphasized.

The prime minister began his speech by expressing his deep sorrow for the loss of the two men in the Corinthian fire.

The draft law of the Ministry of Digital Governance “Completion of land registration, simplification of procedures, use of artificial intelligence and provisions for the operation of the n.p.d.d. “Hellenic Land Registry”, other provisions of the Ministry of Digital Governance”, is today put to the judgment of the plenary session.

The bill

  • Issues related to the completion of inclusion of the areas subject to land registration in the operating Land Registry after the completion of the legality check and issues related to the processing of land registration within the operating Land Registry are regulated.
  • The possibility of submitting declarations of ownership free of charge by Local Government Organizations of the first and second degree in the land registration process is extended and the possibility is given to the contractors of the land registration to carry out the works that had been undertaken and have not been completed even after the start of operation of the Land Registry by amending the relevant contracts.
  • A new procedure for the correction of geometric data of real estate is established within the functioning Land Registry, regulations are introduced regarding the electronic submission of the application for the correction of geometric data of real estate, its content and its notification.
  • Issues are regulated regarding the possibility provided to each affected beneficiary or co-beneficiary of a real right to digitally consent to the rectification request or to submit reasoned objections, the procedure for issuing a decision to incorporate the changes in the cadastral charts and books of the land registry database is determined .d.d. “Hellenic Land Registry” as well as the procedure for submitting objections against said decision by appeal before the Land Registry Judge, and it is stipulated that, until a Land Registry Judge is appointed, the objections are submitted before the Single-Member Court of First Instance of the district of the competent land registry office, which adjudicates against the process of voluntary jurisdiction.
  • It is planned to create a “Register of Certified Land Engineers” in the n.p.d.d. “Hellenic Land Registry”, the minimum qualifications that the interested engineers must possess in order to be included in said register are defined, and their certification procedure is defined.
  • Issues regarding the assignment of applications to Certified Engineers for adjudication following the submission of timely reasoned objections or exceeding the area deviation are regulated.
  • The possibility is provided to the n.p.d.d. “Hellenic Land Registry” to make use of the artificial intelligence system to support the process of legal control of deeds of the Land Registry.
  • Furthermore, the possibility of electronic submission of registrable deeds to the n.p.d.d. “Hellenic Land Registry” on a twenty-four hour basis.
  • Issues related to the procedure for correcting obvious errors in cadastral records are regulated and, in case of a decision to accept objections to the forest map, the right is granted to natural or legal persons, property owners by virtue of a public document, to request the correction of cadastral records.
  • It is possible, by decision of the Board of Directors of the n.p.d.d. “Hellenic Land Registry”, to be granted ownership of the record of the mortgage registries of the Territory that has been handed over to the n.p.d.d. “Hellenic Land Registry” and has been digitized, and to be delivered to the Municipality of the location of the file.
  • the information registered in the central database of unique registration of citizens’ contact information is redefined, as well as the procedure for sending public documents that have been issued without his request.
  • An information system is introduced under the title “System of Authentication and Authorization of Persons” for the access of natural persons to digital systems of public bodies and private sector bodies.

The parties

The government is determined to complete the land registry and it will be completed because the will is there and digital technologies will be utilized, he said. the ND rapporteur, Ioannis Loverdos and pointed out that with the proposed provisions, measures are taken to remove bureaucratic constraints.

“This bill is a purely technical bill that concerns the protection of the citizen and the completion of a national project, such as the land registry, which we all want to be completed,” said Mr. Loverdos.

The ND rapporteur praised the head of the Ministry of Digital Governance, “a man with a lot of experience in self-government”, Dimitris Papastergiou, but also the Deputy Minister of Digital Governance, Kostas Kyranakis, “a young politician with strong judgment”, for whom he even emphasized that he and his team have done an excellent job and this bill is a good bill that should be passed by all political forces.

SYRIZA: “Artificial intelligence pepper, in… cabbages”

“You’re creating a backlog of land registration and increasing legal uncertainty by putting a little … artificial intelligence pepper on the … cabbages,” he said the SYRIZA rapporteur Giorgos Karameros and accused the ND government of leading the case of the Land Registry on the wrong path, when it estimated that the problem would be solved by subordinating the Land Registry to the Ministry of Digital Governance.

The transition of the Land Registry to the Ministry of Digital Governance, as he said, was done to control the flow of resources of the Recovery and Resilience Fund. Giorgos Karameros said that his party does not agree in principle to the bill and warned that with the proposed provisions no substantial step is taken for the issues of property disputes.

“The public posting with a number of unknown properties, i.e. pending, does not lead to the completion of land registration and this may lead to developments even in relation to the absorption of resources of the Recovery and Resilience Fund. The debate on the irrefutable presumption in the future is being referred, the differences in asset declarations are being referred to justice, with all the delays this entails,” said the SYRIZA rapporteur.

PaSoK: Requests an extension

THE special buyer of PaSoK Ilhan Ahmed indicated that the deadline for the completion of land registration should be extended at least until July 2026. After renegotiation with the Recovery and Resilience Fund, for the active studies to redefine the times, with binding deadlines for citizens’ participation. Also, redefine audit procedures and set new milestones.

Ilhan Ahmed underlined that the citizens should not be burdened with additional costs or procedures in which they have already participated and that the available experienced scientific potential and the study should be utilized and measures should be taken for the smooth operation of the functioning Land Registry.

KKE: “The invasion of crow investors will be facilitated”

OR special buyer of KKE Maria Komninakasaid that the essence of this legislative initiative is how the invasion of ravenous investors will be facilitated, how land trading will be accelerated, how the real estate market will bog down and how land will be concentrated in the hands of a few. “Huge hotel businesses, tourist villages in N. Evia, Dadia, Attiki, i.e. exactly where catastrophic fires occurred, are waiting in the queue, from 2021 until today, and at the same time 11,000 projects are on the long list of the ADMIE, for the notorious RES parks”, said Maria Komninaka.

He complained that the bill will result in the loss of state land, the legalization of non-existent properties or problematic ownership situations, the legalization of illegal changes in the use and character of lands, and the loss of the land that citizens acquired with great difficulty in previous years.

Greek Solution: Insufficient provisions

THE special buyer of Hellenic Solution Vassilis Grammenossaid the articles of the bill, as a whole, are piecemeal and tentatively seek to address the huge problem of land registry dysfunction.

“The work of the land registry has been bothering the citizens for decades. Today, innumerable properties are left in the air, entire areas are bogged down in fruitless land registration and the service of citizens by land registry offices has become synonymous with nightmare. The provisions are in no way considered sufficient to solve this big thorn in the Greek land registry and only attempt to speed up some individual procedures in a piecemeal fashion”, said Vassilis Grammenos and declared that his party is voting against the bill.

New Left: Big and long-term consequences for citizens

OR special buyer of the New Left Peti Perkas he said that the government proclaims that we are nearing the end of this multi-year project, but instead of creating conditions for the completion of land registration, it is destabilizing the process and the consequences for citizens will be large and long-lasting.

“The government ignores the serious effects that the change of philosophy will have on the compilation of the cadastral register. The bill sets the goal of transitioning the entire country to a functioning cadastral system within 2025, abolishing study control procedures and citizen participation. Cadastre studies we admit often have errors, so checks are required before they go to the cadastral register. Controls today are carried out with pre-posting, post-posting and the third degree of citizen control. This whole bill abolishes it and says that it goes directly into operation”, said the deputy who clarified that provisions that move in a positive direction, her party will support them.

Victory: Citizens expect it to be completed properly

THE special buyer of “Niki” Giorgos Rountas he said that with the bill, the land register will not answer the question of who is the owner of the respective property. “You want to hand over the land registry one by one. But the citizens are waiting for the land registry to be completed properly. You are thwarting this expectation of the citizens because the cadastral register will be opened, without taking into account the hundreds of thousands of cadastral declarations and objections and the requests to correct the errors”, said Mr. Rountas and added that his party will vote against the bill.

Source: RES-MPE

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