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Mitov: The caretaker government is becoming the election headquarters of President Radev (video)

The caretaker government became the pre-election headquarters of President Rumen Radev, and he and caretaker Minister Boyko Rashkov could not forgive the fact that the Russian spy network had been uncovered. This was stated by Daniel Mitov from GERB at an extraordinary briefing of the party.

“The attack on the services is dictated by something other than because there are mysterious wiretaps. We also want to know what the truth is and if there is a culprit, to bear his responsibility. The prime minister has those powers. However, we know that the services are they were interrogated because of the spy scandal, “Mitov said.

“Obviously, President Radev cannot forgive the services for revealing the Russian spy network. In our opinion, this is the reason for the attack against them. Atanas Atanasov once again makes similar allegations. If elections come, he again announces that someone was In the end, it turns out that his allegations are not true. He, like the circus seals, has several numbers and plays them. After Boyko Rashkov decided to fire journalists in the media and stumbled into this muddy puddle, they decided to they take it out of the mud, and the means is Atanas “, added Mitov.

He stressed that GERB remembers all the scandals, including the Kostinbrod affair. He reminded that “the truth comes out” for everyone. Mitov called for everything to be declassified and for the truth to become clear.

“The caretaker government is clearly becoming President Radev’s campaign headquarters,” Mitov said.

According to GERB Deputy Chairman Atanas Atanasov of Democratic Bulgaria, he always raises the issue of wiretapping before elections, and after inspections it turns out that these are wrong statements.

“The label of this government is ‘Chance for Oresharski 2,'” Mitov reiterated.

According to him, the caretaker government is trying to convince Bulgarian citizens that there is a conspiracy organized by the previous government.

“We want evidence, we want declassification, we want the truth to come out,” said the GERB deputy chairman.

Mitov described the methods of governing the caretaker government not as “a wind of change” but “only a wind”.

Toma Bikov commented that we are witnessing an active event organized by two police officers.

“Before all the elections, Atanasov comes out and says that someone was wiretapped, and after they pass, everything is forgotten and nothing is proven. I am convinced that this will happen. The caretaker government is now a party to the campaign in this way, and they are not only organizers. They are shocked that the caretaker prime minister is coming out and saying that there are wiretaps because he heard that in the media, “Bikov said.

He also insisted on the full declassification of the documents in the case, if any. “To show documents, names, to seek responsibility if there are illegal actions,” he was adamant.

“So far we hear only allegations of two police officers from 1997,” Bikov explained, explaining that this is an active event. There were two goals – to get Boyko Rashkov out of trouble, and the second – to discredit the services. Rashkov wants to use the services for political purposes, Bikov said.

He also revealed that Boyko Rashkov does not even have access to classified information, despite being the interior minister, which was worrying. However, Stefan Yanev had information and therefore it was surprising that he did not reveal the truth, but spoke with a source “a woman told me at the market”.

“Rumen Radev, Rashkov and their election headquarters want to take over the services. That is why the heads of these services have taken leave,” Bikov added. “It is important for us to make the truth clear. There is a law and in order for someone to be eavesdropped on, there must be permission from the court. If not, then it is illegal. This must become clear and if there are culprits, they must be held accountable. access to this information and that is why we call on the cabinet to reveal to the whole society whether or not there are wiretapped politicians, “Mitov said.

He clarified that it is possible that a politician came across a conversation with a person who is being investigated for crimes, but this must also be revealed.

“I ask questions – did anyone call in Dubai, in Belgrade? Is that how he got into the SRS? We don’t know, but apparently Atanasov knows. Before all the elections he says that there are eavesdroppers, and then the truth does not come out. We have been living in “Gnomgate”, since 2005. It turned out for Konstinbrod that nothing is true. If you go through all the scandals, you will see that they did not lead to anything. At the moment they are in power and have access to all the information. How Atanasov called one day, the next day Rashkov is not sure, but in the evening he says that they were wiretapped, and then refuses that it was from the Ministry of Interior, or in SANS … Which is true of everything “This is an active event. Now Rashkov is interacting with Atanasov,” Bikov added.

Daniel Mitov said that the caretaker government follows all the policies of the GERB cabinet and even after they tried to change the health measures, they then returned to the care of the Borisov-3 cabinet.

“Obviously our policies are good and that’s why they follow them. And because they ran out of political arguments, they started with active events. Last night Yanev quoted Churchill. But I don’t understand the meaning of this quote. Churchill was at war and led his nation to war. Why “Yanev promises us blood? Whose blood, the political opponents? If not, to take back the inappropriate quote,” Mitov noted at the end.

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