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misunderstanding of the inhabitants after the end of research

In the Sainte-Pazanne (Loire-Atlantique) sector, Public Health France counts twice as many pediatric cancers compared to the national average. However, their investigations did not identify a common cause to these diseases and research is stopped. Séverine, mother of Elouan, who died in 2018 of a lymphoma, participated in their investigation. It is a questionnaire on the habits of parents and children. “How many glasses of water does your child drink per day? ” But the mother is disappointed: ” Are you able to answer this question? This questionnaire is not at all adapted to a particular situation ” laments her.

The inhabitants’ misunderstanding

However, this method has been used by Santé publique France for many years. According to them, this questionnaire is satisfactory, but scientific research is slow to give them new avenues of study. “It is difficult to understand why children develop cancer. We know that it is complex it is multifactorial it is multi-stage so this tool is limited because scientific knowledge is also ” explains Lisa King, epidemiologist at Public Health France.

In addition to the questionnaire, the regional health agency carried out measurements at the Sainte-Pazanne school and at the children’s home. For the moment, their results are not significant. Marie Thibaud, the founder of the collective “stop the cancers of our children” denounces the inaction of the authorities. “The authorities recognize that there are more childhood cancers here than elsewhere … and yet the conclusion is that we stop everything! It’s not right. Today there is suspicion of a political will not to look any further … “

High voltage lines, pesticides, hydrocarbons … many other elements worry residents. Thanks to funds collected on the internet, the parents’ collective launched its own analyzes.

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