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Missio is Bavaria’s first “baby-friendly children’s clinic”

The Missio Children’s Hospital is the first children’s hospital in Bavaria to receive the “Baby-friendly Children’s Hospital” seal of quality. So far, only five children’s hospitals in Germany have received this award.

The certificate, which is awarded by the WHO / Unicef ​​”Baby-friendly” initiative, is only given to children’s clinics that actively support and promote the establishment and protection of the parent-child bond, according to a press release. The awarding of the certificate requires several years of preparation to meet the strict requirements of the certification. The obstetrics of the Missioklinik Würzburg has been certified as a “baby-friendly maternity clinic” since 2009 and has long been one of the more than 100 maternity clinics nationwide. Thanks to the double award, obstetrics and children’s clinics are now certified and recognized as “baby-friendly clinics”.

Baby-friendly – what does that mean? Close cooperation between all teams involved, the best possible start from pregnancy to birth and support even after discharge from the hospital, e.g. as breastfeeding advice in the breastfeeding café – these are the cornerstones. The basis for this are the “Ten steps for a baby-friendly clinic” and the B.E.St.® criteria (attachment, development, breastfeeding). “Baby-friendly clinics have guidelines for successfully implementing these ten steps,” explains Prof. Dr. Christina Kohlhauser-Vollmuth, chief physician of the Missio Children’s Clinic.

additional Information: www.babyfriend.org

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