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Missing dog runs 70 kilometers back to his family

Some dogs literally walk through the desert for their families – or in the case of Pepper, a German Shepherd, literally through the tundra. For days the bitch dragged herself through snow and cold in search of her people.

The ten year old dog no longer hears well and usually spends most of her days sleeping. But in order to be with her family during a difficult time, the four-legged friend mobilized all strength – and ran 70 kilometers through the icy tundra in northern Canada.

In early May, the family left Rankin Inlet to help relatives in Whale Cove, some 70 kilometers away, after a death. Because the flights for the next day had been canceled due to bad weather, the family decided to set off with snowmobiles.

Family leaves dog to go to funeral

When the time came the next morning, the bitch suddenly behaved very atypically, Donna Adams told “Nunavut News“. She was very excited and wanted to go along with it. “We were in shock and mourned, and she sensed it because she really wanted to accompany us. She even jumped on the sled. ”First Pepper tried to run after him. But then she returned home, where the youngest daughter of the family stayed with the dog.

Photo: facebook.com/Samuel Napayok ​​Adams (Symbolfoto)

One day later, the daughter was able to spontaneously travel to the funeral on a postponed flight – so the dog Pepper stayed home alone. It wasn’t until the day after the funeral that Father Willie and the family son returned. And found that Pepper had escaped. They searched the neighborhood and posted Pepper’s disappearance on social media. Without success.

Because the family was so preoccupied with mourning the family member, they accepted Pepper’s disappearance relatively quickly. “It just wasn’t a priority. We just took it. We were sad, of course, but it was so busy, ”says Donna.

While her husband and son were back in Rankin Inlet, Donna stayed in Whale Cove for a few days with her daughter and granddaughter. At some point she heard of a German shepherd that had been spotted between the two places. However, the family did not dare to hope that it could be Pepper. “It was hunting season and there is a lot of traffic between the two communities at this time of year”.

Dog runs to family for days

However, eight days after arriving at Whale Cove, suspicions hardened that Pepper might actually be there. Donna and her daughter immediately drove down the streets, repeatedly calling for their dog. And in fact, Pepper suddenly appeared – albeit visibly emaciated. Immediately she jumped into Donna’s arms.

“She almost ripped my glasses off my nose,” says Donna. “I don’t think I’ve ever burst into tears as quickly in my life as I did at the moment.”

Pepper was exhausted, skinny, and had puffy eyes due to snow blindness. After a night in which Pepper was able to relax, the bitch was doing much better. Shortly afterwards she was able to fly back home with her family.

The bitch Pepper survived the adventure well

For the family, who had to endure so much these days, seeing them again was like a small miracle. Especially because Pepper has never been to Whale Cove before, let alone walked there alone. “I think she just wanted to be with us at all costs to comfort us. She really felt what we went through when we left, “Donna told the news channel”CTV News“.

In the meantime, Pepper has survived her adventure well and is “just as lazy as before,” says Donna. “We’re so happy that we didn’t lose them in the end.”

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