Home » today » Business » “Missed something?”, The doubt of the manager Ema on the AstraZeneca vaccine – Libero Quotidiano

“Missed something?”, The doubt of the manager Ema on the AstraZeneca vaccine – Libero Quotidiano

Lilli Gruber dedicated the Thursday 11 March episode of Half past eight to the case of AstraZeneca vaccine, with some countries discontinuing the administration due to the occurrence of approximately 30 cases of thrombosis. A couple were also registered in Italy, where a batch received by the pharmaceutical company was blocked. All as a precaution, because officially there is no correlation between the deaths and the administration of the serum.

He also reiterated this Marco Cavalry, Ema responsible for vaccines and Covid-19 therapy. In connection with Gruber, the expert wanted to clarify and clear the field of any doubts: “About 30 cases of thrombosis throughout Europe out of a total of 5 million subjects is such a low incidence as to be even below the threshold of what we would have expected. To date it is impossible to conclude that there is a correlation“. So who decided to suspend the AstraZeneca vaccine is wrong? “Let’s say they were precautionary choices, some countries want to understand better. It is a legitimate choice that we can understand ”.

There was also a phone call between this afternoon Mario Draghi e Ursula von der Leyen on the subject: “Here we are trying to understand if something has escaped us, but to date – explained Cavaleri – it is difficult to talk about events linked to a specific lot. Too much pressure to authorize AstraZeneca? No, we dealt with this vaccine like everyone else, there was sufficient evidence of safety, efficacy and proven quality “.

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