Home » today » Entertainment » Misiek Koterski about how he started taking drugs. “My father is addicted, his father fastened himself to death”

Misiek Koterski about how he started taking drugs. “My father is addicted, his father fastened himself to death”

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Recently in the program “Attention! TVN” Misiek Koterski showed the journalists around the house in his hometown. Then his mother Iwona Ciesielka admitted that the actor was very charming baby and he did not cause any educational problems. The woman was curious about her son’s future and decided to go to the fortune teller.

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He was a lovely child, very polite. In primary school, the form teacher said that she would like Michał to sweat something at least once, because he was an exemplary student […] When he was tiny, I went to the fairy and she told me: You will have a famous child. It made me laugh then – said Iwona Ciesielska.

A dozen years later, the prophecy came true. Misiek Koterski he received his first roles in, among others, “Ajlawju” and “The Day of the Freak”. His career was influenced by the fact that his famous father showed him Łódź. The city shaped him.

In fact, Łódź has given me a lot, it has shaped me. My father showed me a lot of this magical Łódź, who infected me with acting through his profession, and from childhood I watched him in this magical film world – said Misiek Koterski.

Miśek Koterski’s addiction problems began in high school

Unfortunately, the actor after some time strayed from his chosen path. While preparing for the exams for the theater school, Misiek Koterski used alcohol and stimulants that accompanied him for a long time. His mother did not expect her son to start causing problems.

When Michał went to high school, I thought there would be no problems. One time, Michał’s high school love came to me and said: you know, we have a problem, because Michał takes drugs.

Misiek Koterski owes his recovery from addiction to God

Today the TV presenter admits that it was difficult for him to cope with the problem. They smoked marijuana with their friends, and over time other substances and drugs appeared. However, Misiek Koterski has been sober for seven years.

Today we smoked, as the saying goes, innocent joints. Over time, this led me to other substances and more drugs. I am sober for seven years and you could say my life is like a fairy tale. But it’s also hard work for life. I am fully convinced that in my case, the fact that I am sober and alive is thank God. I see it in terms of a miracle.

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The artist attended therapy for many years and showed a strong will. Together with your partner Marcela Leszczak He had a son. Fryderyk was the first to be born in the sober Koterski family and wishes him that he would not experience hell of addiction in the future.

I think that the greatest value is that my Fryderyk was born first in the sober Koterski family. My father is addicted, his father drank himself to death, and my Frysio was born into a sober family. All I wish was for him to never experience hell of addiction. And it is in the most difficult moments that I remember and it mobilizes me.

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