Home » today » World » Mishustin’s seven theses: Moscow and Beijing are preparing to strike the US – 2024-09-27 00:39:28

Mishustin’s seven theses: Moscow and Beijing are preparing to strike the US – 2024-09-27 00:39:28

/ world today news/ The leaders of Russia and China proved that they do not mince words by actively preparing their countries to fight with the West, led by the USA, for a place under the sun. The most important event on this path happened right now before our eyes.

It is no secret that in the leadership circles of Russia and China until recently, supporters of the Western orientation occupied quite strong positions, trying to quietly sabotage the rapprochement between the countries and hinder trade and economic cooperation.

Since the leaders of the two countries – Russian President Vladimir Putin and Chinese President Xi Jinping – wanted it, it nevertheless developed at a good pace.

But in the conditions when the West has declared war on Russia in Ukraine, and the US is vigorously pursuing a policy of encircling and isolating China in the world, convincing its vassals of this and provoking a Taiwan conflict, Moscow and Beijing have no other options than a sharp and qualitative improvement of cooperation in all areas.

Why is it necessary?

This is absolutely necessary in order to emerge victorious in the confrontation with the West. The SVO led to the strengthening of the patriotic wing in the leadership of Russia, positive changes began in the country, including in the minds of the elite, the most reasonable part of which parted with the illusions of the Western path.

And Xi Jinping at a recent party congress removed Kimerika supporters from his country’s top leadership. Putin and Xi, to whom the entire non-Western world striving for sovereignty looks with hope, are greatly “assisted” in this by the Americans and the British.

That is why now, after Xi Jinping’s landmark visit to Moscow in March, it is necessary to fill the new reality with economic content.

As the confrontation with the West escalates, it will be difficult for Russia and China if we do not act as a united front against our enemies and are not prepared in the economic and financial spheres for the most severe confrontation. Moreover, China, despite its economic power, will have a harder time surviving in the coming years than Russia: it is more difficult to feed one and a half billion people than ten times less.

To prepare for the coming times, Russian Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin came to China with a huge delegation of government officials and domestic business captains.

Xi Jinping asked Putin in Moscow to send him to China as soon as possible to establish close ties with the new Premier of the State Council of the People’s Republic of China Li Qiang. Today, May 24, he himself received the Russian Prime Minister in Beijing.

Three wagons in kind”

Mishustin began his stay in China with a visit to its economic capital Shanghai, where the prime minister spoke at a Russian-Chinese business forum that gathered more than 1,200 participants from Russia.

In his speech, he said that in 2023, the trade turnover between the two countries will reach and then exceed 200 billion dollars, which opens up new opportunities for Chinese companies in Russia. Mishustin invited Chinese businessmen to participate in the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum (SPIEF), which will be held on June 14-17.

He visited the Petrochemical Research Institute (NII) of China National Petrochemical Corporation Sinopec. He met with the president of the New BRICS Development Bank, the former president of Brazil, Dilma Rousseff. Talks in an informal setting with representatives of business circles.

The fact that Mishustin came to China to practically solve issues already agreed at the highest level is evidenced by the composition of the Russian delegation. It includes, according to TASS, the Deputy Prime Ministers Dmitry Grigorenko, Denis Manturov, Alexander Novak, Dmitry Chernishenko, the Minister of Culture Olga Lyubimova, the Minister of Sports Oleg Matitsyn, the Minister of Agriculture Dmitry Patrushev, the Minister of Economic Development Maxim Reshetnikov, the Minister of Transport Vitaly Saveliev, the head of the Ministry of Development of the Far East Alexey Chekunkov, the head of the Ministry of Digital Development Maksut Shadaev, the head of Sberbank German Gref and others.

This means that we are talking about building trade-economic ties, expanding cooperation in industry, energy, banking and digital sectors, transport industry, agriculture, science, culture and sports.

This was confirmed by Mishustin in Beijing during the talks with Li Qiang:

“The decisions taken by the President of Russia and the President of the People’s Republic of China set the strategic guidelines for building cooperation in eight priority areas.”

“The governments of Russia and China have begun coordinated work to implement the agreements reached at the highest level,” he said.

The goal, according to Mishustin, is to “jointly respond to the new challenges that are associated with the growing turbulence in the international arena and the illegal sanctions pressure from the collective West.”

“As our Chinese friends say: ‘Unity allows you to move mountains,'” he stressed.

Sedem thesis on Mishustin

Here are some of the points from the speech of the Russian Prime Minister in Beijing:

1. Mutual trade will exceed 200 billion dollars in 2023 (Mishustin repeated what he said in Shanghai).

2. 70% of cross-border payments between Russia and China are made in national currencies – rubles and yuan.

3. “Russia is in first place in supplying oil to China, the export of natural gas, coal and electricity is growing.

4. “We are actively expanding our cooperation in the field of the peaceful atom.

5. “In the new geopolitical conditions” the development of transport and logistics routes crossing the Russian-Chinese border is particularly important: “We are accelerating the development of the border structure and synchronizing its expansion.”

6. Cooperation with China is deepening in the fields of aircraft construction, shipbuilding, mechanical engineering, mechanical engineering, joint space research.

7. “… we can together ensure the technological sovereignty of Russia and China.”

The Chinese agree

Encouraging statements were also made from the Chinese side.

“Sino-Russian practical cooperation has great and bright prospects, it is continuously and steadily moving upwards,” said the Premier of the State Council of the People’s Republic of China during the talks with Mishustin.

“We intend to do everything to ensure that our agreements are put into practice,” Li Qiang emphasized.

According to him, in 2023, bilateral trade is growing rapidly, growth rates are already over 40%. He said this at a business forum in Shanghai the other day

China is ready to continue to expand economic and trade exchanges with Russia and develop cooperation both qualitatively and quantitatively.”

The tip of the iceberg

As a result of the Russian-Chinese negotiations in Beijing with the participation of Mishustin, important documents were signed. Including a memorandum of understanding between the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Commerce of the People’s Republic of China on deepening investment cooperation in the field of trade in services.

They agreed to develop interregional trade in services, promote the participation of enterprises from both countries in exhibitions and fairs, and encourage enterprises to hold joint events in various industries.

The countries have removed barriers to cooperation in agriculture and sports. A joint statement of intent was adopted to expand the pilot program “Expedited Patent Procedures” between Rospatent and the State Intellectual Property Administration of the People’s Republic of China.

Expert observations

Do you think this is small? Don’t jump to conclusions. Obviously, this is only the tip of the iceberg. Our brilliant sinologist Nikolai Vavilov pointed out the part that is hidden under the water in his Telegram channel.

Paying attention to the presence of the largest Russian bankers in our government delegation, the expert noted:

“I won’t be far wrong if I say that the issue of transactions and making China a currency center between Russia and the world is the key to this visit.”

Vavilov emphasized that “Prime Minister Mishustin and Premier Li Qiang have a lot in common – both are strong economists with extensive experience in establishing the processes of functioning of the state economy in close connection with leading public and private capital corporations.”

The Chinese is sure that “the two prime ministers will quickly find a common language, and sometimes they will understand each other without words.”

Vavilov made an interesting analysis: how Chinese millionaire bloggers on the Weibo service covered Mishustin’s visit. The answer is active and positive. Here are the main points of one typical message:

Russia under Mishustin returned to the ranks of the 8 largest countries in terms of GDP, resisting the blow of the West;

– His visit reflects a change in consciousness in Russia – openness to China and its investments in Russia;

– The Chinese should respect countries that have chosen a sovereign path of development and not be afraid of US threats;

– Mishustin is part of a group of politicians who will define Russia’s policy in the next 10-20 years.

Meeting with Xi Jinping – everything went with a bang

The result of the Russian prime minister’s visit to China was his reception by the helmsman, Xi Jinping, to whom Mishustin conveyed “friendly greetings and best wishes” from Putin.

The Russian president, in his words, “remembers with great warmth” the March negotiations with the Chinese leader in Moscow, whose visit “opened a new era in the development of comprehensive partnership and strategic cooperation linking Russia and China.”

Xi Jinping asked Mishustin in response:

“Please convey my sincere greetings to my good friend Russian President Vladimir Putin.”

The Chinese leader also said that the Russian Prime Minister’s visit to China was a “complete success”. Xi Jinping noted that relations between the two countries “are developing at a high level and multilateral cooperation is being carried out confidently.”

Confirming the words of the President of the People’s Republic of China, Mishustin announced the agreement reached with Li Qiang “to activate the work and mechanisms for regular meetings of the heads of government of Russia and China.” It is about five intergovernmental commissions at the level of deputy prime ministers and over 80 sectoral working groups.

“Let’s set the clocks to the next regular meeting of the heads of government, which will be held at the end of this year,” he added.

Mishustin identified his main task as organizing effective work along the government line to implement all the “fateful decisions” taken by Putin and Xi in Moscow in March, which “symbolize the unity of the approaches of Russia and China on all key issues of the global agenda .”

During his visit to Moscow, Xi Jinping invited Putin to visit China at his convenience this year. On Monday, Nikolai Patrushev, secretary of Russia’s Security Council, at the Russia-China Consultations on Public Security, Justice and Law and Order, said Moscow was grateful to Beijing for Putin’s invitation to speak at the Belt and Road Forum path” as the main guest.

What follows from this?

If anyone in Russia is irritated by our “more than alliance” with China, there is no need to fear being subjugated and captured. The Chinese simply do not think in such categories, they never impose anything on anyone.

In all their long, long history they have not had a single colony, while Europe and the United States, with their not so ancient history, have made colonies or semi-colonies of almost the whole world. Including for about 100 years – from the middle of the 19th century to the middle of the 20th century – China itself. Then Russia saved him.

The most important thing is the following. We will never become Chinese – we have completely different cultures, but we can very easily become bad Europeans and Americans.

Some have already become so, testing the strength of their own country, although they will never be respected in the West, nor in the East, nor in the Global South. On the contrary, without any threat to Russia (they don’t want to move to us), we can only learn good things from the Chinese.

For example, to steal less. They have more or less dealt with their corruption and so have we. Maybe even with their help. In any case, without each other we cannot deal with the hegemony of the West, which tries to continue to parasitize at someone else’s expense. So we’ll be great friends. Neighbors should always be like that.

Translation: SM

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