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Misdemeanor Appellant Accepts Appeal: Update on Mortada Mansour’s Case

02:57 PM, Saturday, July 15, 2023

Books – Saber Al-Mahlawi:

A misdemeanor appellant of the Economic Court decided to accept the appeal of lawyer Tariq Jamil Saeed, and suspended the previous ruling of one month’s imprisonment and a bail of 5,000 pounds, on charges of assaulting the sanctity of life through social media, which was filed by Mortada Mansour, the former president of Zamalek.

Counselor Mortada Mansour, president of Zamalek Club, had filed a lawsuit against a lawyer on charges of libel, slander and defamation. It bore No. 111 of 2023 an economic misdemeanor, and it was considered by the Cairo Economic Court.

For its part, an economic appellate court in the Economic Court decided, today, Saturday, to postpone consideration of Case No. 1000 of 2023 AD, an economic misdemeanor, filed by businessman Hani Shoukry, a member of the General Assembly of the Zamalek Club, and the former candidate for the position of treasurer in the previous council, against Mortada Mansour, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Zamalek Club. Former Zamalek accused of insulting and defaming via social media, for the July 22nd session, for viewing and documents.

It is noteworthy that the Court of Cassation ruled – on February 25, 2023 in another case – to uphold the two rulings issued against Mortada with one month’s imprisonment enforceable, and one year’s imprisonment with a suspended sentence, for accusing him of insulting and slandering Mahmoud Al-Khatib.

2023-07-15 11:57:00
#judiciary #issues #verdict #accusing #famous #lawyer #insulting #Mortada #Mansour

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