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Miscellaneous – Justice | Marseille: the lookout watched over a clandestine evening

He didn’t shout “arah” when the police arrived, but it is. While for weeks, the police, scalded by a few resounding nocturnal gatherings, have focused their attention on the underground parties, the organizers seem to adapt to adversity … even if it means drawing inspiration from the methods of the dealers to limit the risks.

On the night of Thursday to Friday, after a first descent into a hookah bar on avenue de Toulon (6th), during which 17 people were fined and the manager, just 18 years old, arrested, a new call put the police on another track.

Alerted for the noise, rue de Lyon (15th) shortly after 2am, the officials did indeed notice on their arrival that the din that escaped from a building was beyond comprehension. What to smell some new prohibited evening. Anxious to surprise, rather than being surprised by excess revelers, the police asked for reinforcements. But as the device quietly fell into place, a shady figure was spotted in a Peugeot. In fact, a lookout, who immediately fled, narrowly failing to run over a policeman who was about to control him.

The “chouffeur de salle” was finally found an hour later and arrested aboard his 308 near La Bricarde. Good for police custody, he nevertheless had time to fulfill his mission: to warn the participants of this birthday party that the police were arriving.

At the same time, on rue de Lyon, the police officers deployed found themselves empty-handed or almost. Only a 26-year-old latecomer was caught as he tried to flee through the back of the building.

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