Home » today » News » Miscellaneous – Justice | Marseille: the “Clio gang” has struck again

Miscellaneous – Justice | Marseille: the “Clio gang” has struck again

In Marseille, it’s a plague. A wound that does not heal. At regular intervals, Renault Clio vehicles are boned in the middle of the night. When it is not the seats that are stolen, it is the airbags and when it is no longer the airbags, thieves are hunting for new parts. As if the Clio, a highly sought-after model, is a huge success. This is the scenario that has just replayed on the night of Thursday to Friday, where several Clio vehicles were neatly – or rather dirty – undressed on Chemin de Fondacle, in Saint-Julien (12th), the thieves seizing the windshields. shocks under the windows of victims who had heard nothing.

On April 29, the same disillusion had happened to Laurie, who owned a Clio 4. “During the night they stole the bumper, the hood, two headlights and the grille. Suddenly, I sold my car as is by selling it off.“From a police source, we confirmed the recurrence of these thefts – there were others in the 10th recently.”They are often made by small garages in the northern districts of the city who are looking for spare parts“, explains an investigator.

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