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Miscellaneous facts. A police patrol hit by fireworks mortars

A resident of Regina, a district adjoining that of Croix-de-Metz, Vanessa * was chatting with her friends on video this Saturday evening, when unusual noises disturbed the tranquility of the Upper Town of Toul.

“Around 10:30 pm, we heard like big fireworks, but there is never any fireworks organized in November, and even less in this confinement period , so we wondered what was going on, ”explains the Touloise.

The detonations ceased for a while, but resumed, increasing in power and frequency around 11 p.m. Vanessa then calls the police, “but I was told on the phone that many other residents had already called”. Indeed, a patrol from the Toul police station goes to the scene. Except that the shooting still redoubled in intensity when the police arrived on intervention.

“The young people were at least between 20 and 30”, testifies, on condition of anonymity, another Touloise, resident, she, of the Croix-de-Metz. “And it is always these same thugs who make the circus in the district”, she continues.

The police patrol is then directly targeted, at the level of the avenue des Leuques, a large artery which connects the Regina district with the lower part of the Croix-de-Metz district. The officers were not injured, but the vehicle was damaged. According to this same resident, “the shots started from Clos des Grèves”, a street which joins Avenue des Leuques at the Pierre-et-Marie-Curie school. The police did not manage to stop the shooting at first.

” I am in shock “

“We could see that they were in inferiority, what were they going to do in the face of dozens of thugs? », Continues this resident. It was finally after midnight, when the police arrived in reinforcement from Nancy, that the shooting stopped, definitively.

“I am in shock, because this is the first time that such a thing has happened in this district”, again testifies this resident of Croix-de-Metz. “Often there are incivilities, even rodeos, but shots in the direction of the police, I had never seen that. “

This Sunday morning, the Ville Haute and the Croix-de-Metz district had regained their composure. A very relative calm. By the end of the weekend, police had been unable to make any arrests. “The investigation is ongoing,” said François Pérain, public prosecutor.

* The first name has been changed.

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