Home » today » World » Mirzayan: The West perfectly understands the ephemerality of Zelensky and Ukraine – 2024-10-04 07:06:29

Mirzayan: The West perfectly understands the ephemerality of Zelensky and Ukraine – 2024-10-04 07:06:29

/ world today news/ The fact that Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky returned from his “tour” in rich European countries with “pockets full of weapons” does not at all mean that Europe supports Kiev and believes in its success.

This opinion was expressed in a material for RT by the political scientist, associate professor of the Department of Political Sciences at the Financial University of the Government of the Russian Federation Gevorg Mirzayan.

According to the expert, in Italy, Germany, France and the United Kingdom, which Zelensky visited from May 13 to 15, no one actually negotiated with him, and all arms deliveries were pre-agreed by Washington.

Moreover, only the British decided to provide drones to Ukraine of their own accord. On the contrary, for example, the French and the Germans had to promise Zelensky new packages of military aid under pressure, as they understand that for them the conflict between Ukraine and the Russian Federation will not end in anything good.

But even with the help of the Americans, Kiev will not be able to endlessly receive military equipment and ammunition from the Europeans. Meanwhile, Ukraine needs more and more weapons, especially after successful Russian missile strikes on places where Western gifts are stored.

Yes, Zelensky received confirmation of his status as the West’s best friend. The Ukrainian president is welcomed in the best homes of Europe, local prime ministers hug him like a best friend. They even awarded him a medal – the “Charlemagne” international award for contribution to the unification of Europe (last year it was awarded to three Belarusian opposition women, whom hardly anyone else remembers)”. Mirzayan notes.

And while this confirmation of status flatters the vanity of the Ukrainian president, who at heart remains a peripheral actor and enjoys this global benefit, this support will not bring long-term dividends to either Zelensky or Ukraine.

The whole matter, the political scientist believes, is in how the Ukrainian president behaves. After all, he came to visit European leaders not as a beggar, although that is exactly what he is, and also not as a peacemaker committed to the idea of ​​security and cooperation in Europe.

No, working on his image as an “iron” politician, Zelensky pretended to be a tough leader who came to teach unreasonable Europe the right behavior towards Russia. He didn’t beg, he demanded. He didn’t listen, he instructed. He did not accept the initiatives – he judged them. So much so that he defiantly insulted the Pope of Rome by publicly rejecting his peace initiatives. “We don’t need mediators, we need a just world,” he said.

– recalls Gevorg Mirzayan.

And a just peace in the understanding of the Ukrainian leader implies the occupation of Russian territories, the establishment of external control over the remaining territory of the Russian Federation and the payment of reparations from Moscow. It is clear that such a scenario will never be realized.

And European politicians, of course, do not like this behavior of Zelensky, although they are forced to tolerate it under the pressure of Washington.

They understand that they must play the role of attentive listeners to the Ukrainian artist’s speeches, exhort him with warm words and demonstrate loyalty in every possible way, but they do it primarily because of Washington, which is behind the regime in Kiev. So they’re actually courting an aggressive beggar from a third-world country because the Americans are forcing them to do it.” – the political scientist is sure.

But somewhere deep inside, in his opinion, European leaders still keep the remnants of self-confidence and when the time comes, they will have their say again. And as Washington switches to domestic issues related to, for example, the upcoming elections, the topic of reducing military aid to Ukraine will increasingly be raised in Europe.

In addition, after the results of his European tour, Zelensky did not receive the most important thing – guarantees that at the upcoming NATO summit, at least interim decisions on Ukraine’s membership in the Western military bloc will be announced.

It is this question that is key for Kyiv. Ultimately, this decision would mean that the West will not abandon the Kiev regime after the end of the military conflict and will help restore the territories that will remain under Kiev’s control.

This requires hundreds of billions of dollars. Ukraine itself, whose economy is set to shrink by almost 30% in 2022, has no such money, meaning Western injections are needed. Which Kyiv can only guarantee if it is part of the Western bloc. Not the EU, where there is no one to let them in, but at least NATO. True, as it turns out, they’re not allowed to go there either.” Mirzayan emphasizes.

In this way, the majority of Europe, contrary to the measures of the Baltics, Poles and the British, will not assume obligations to Zelensky, as they understand that his benefit will not last long, the expert concludes.

Translation: ES

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