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Mirjam van ‘t Veld leaves the Gelderse Vallei Hospital

EDE Mirjam van ‘t Veld is leaving as chairman of the board of Gelderse Vallei Hospital in Ede. She will work as chair of the National General Practitioners Association.

Van ‘t Veld (1970) has been chairman of the Board of Directors of the Ede hospital since 2017. Before that she was alderman on behalf of the CDA in Amersfoort, mayor of the municipality of Maarssen and in 2014 she became mayor of Amstelveen.

“As a nurse I got to know the care from the inside out and over the years I have become familiar with the entire healthcare system. The pivotal role of the general practitioner offers social opportunities, but also presents the necessary challenges for individual general practitioners and practices. As chairman of the LHV, I want to ensure that the general practitioner is seen in this crucial central role ”, says Mirjam van ‘t Veld on the website of the LHV.

Van ‘t Veld is looking forward to meeting general practitioners throughout the country in the summer and hearing what is going on in person. “Keeping an eye on the person behind the patient is an important motivation for me. Especially at a time when an increasingly complex society and healthcare infrastructure demand the correct guidance of people. In my role as chair, I can contribute to this by supporting and representing general practitioners in a professional manner, together with the association. ”

The LHV is pleased with the appointment of Mirjam van ‘t Veld. “With her arrival, we welcome a powerful advocate for general practitioners with an eye for the patient and a large relevant network,” says general practitioner Ronald Morshuis, chairman of the nomination committee. “She is able to position the future and the place of GP care with persuasiveness and guts. As a connector, networker and inspirator she stands for a close association. “

At the LHV, Van ‘t Veld will take over the position of chairman Ella Kalsbeek on 1 July, who will be leaving on 1 April.

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