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“MIR 2023 Dermatology Specialty: Hospital Distribution and Insights from Number One MIR Candidate Sofia Haselgruber”

Medical-Surgical Dermatology and Venereology has become the queen of MIR assignment. There are many residents who want to get one of its places, so those who are thinking of opting for this service next year should take into account that it is one of the first to fill its quota. In the last call, candidate 721 got the last one available on the second election day and the first to choose, Sofia Haselgruber, number one of the MIR 2022, also opted for this specialty in the Virgin of the Snows Hospital (Granada).

Speaking to Medical Writing, Haselgruber He confessed that he was clear about where he was going to carry out his health training. The number one of the MIR 2022 chose Dermatology, because he claimed to have an interest in those medical specialties that allow “investigation and treatment”. A way of being that surely has to do with his combative vein, which during his years as a student at the Medicine Degree at the University of Santiago de Composteal led her to be a student representative to achieve improvements in their rights.

During those years, together with the rest of his colleagues, he promoted different demonstrations to improve the teaching conditionsespecially in the area of clinical practices. Some protests that led to important improvements and changes in the medical teaching of the Galician faculty.

MIR 2023: 81 hospitals where training in Dermatology

With a view to next year, the Human Resources Commission of the Interterritorial Council of the National Health System (SNS) made up of the Ministry of Health and the Autonomous Communities have granted 120 places for this specialty out of the total available for the MIR 2023. Thus, there are 81 hospitals that will welcome first-year residents to train in this service.

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Distribution by CCAA of the total MIR 2023 vacancies for Dermatology.

In the geographical distribution, the Madrid’s community monopolizes the largest number of places for this specialty in the new opposition. In total, it has 31 distributed in 19 hospitals in the region, which means that it covers 25 percent of the total offered. The center with the highest allocation for the R1 quota at the national level is Madrid Ramon y Cajal Hospital.

According to the distribution established for 2023, Dermatology win five places. The specialty has not stopped increasing its quota in recent calls. In the last test held, 115 were offered, while in 2021 there were 112. By 2020, a total of 108 were made available to residents.

The distribution of the 120 seats MIR 2023 for Medical-Surgical Dermatology and Venereology by hospitals is distributed as follows:


  • Torrecárdenas University Hospital: 1

  • Puerta del Mar University Hospital: 2

  • University Hospital of Puerto Real: 1

  • Reina Sofía University Hospital: 2

  • Virgen de las Nieves University Hospital: 2

  • Hospital Universitario San Cecilio: 2

  • Regional University Hospital of Malaga: 2

  • Virgen de la Victoria University Hospital: 3
  • Costa del Sol Hospital: 1

  • Virgen del Rocío University Hospital: 2

  • Virgen Macarena University Hospital: 2

  • Nuestra Señora de Valme University Hospital: 1


  • Miguel Servet University Hospital: 2

Canary Islands

  • Doctor Negrín Hospital Complex: 1

  • Maternal and Child Insular University Hospital Complex of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria: 1

  • University Hospital Our Lady of Candelaria: 1

  • University Hospital of the Canary Islands: 1


  • Marqués de Valdecilla University Hospital: 1

Castilla la Mancha

  • Albacete Specialized Area: 1

  • General University Hospital of Ciudad Real: 1

  • General University Hospital of Guadalajara: 1

  • Toledo University Hospital Complex: 2


  • Vall D’Hebron University Hospital: 2

  • Hospital Clinic of Barcelona: 3
  • Hospital del Mar-Parc Salut Mar: 2

  • Santa Creu and Sant Pau Hospital: 2

  • Sacred Heart Hospital: 2

  • Germans Trias i Pujol University Hospital: 2

  • Bellvitge University Hospital: 1

  • Private Foundation H. Asil de Granollers: 1

  • Taulí Park Health Corporation: 1

  • Arnau de Vilanova de Lleida University Hospital: 1

  • John XXIII University Hospital of Tarragona: 1


  • Badajoz University Hospital: 1


  • University Hospital A Coruña: 1

  • Ferrol University Hospital Complex: 1

  • University Hospital of Santiago de Compostela: 1

  • University Hospital Complex of Pontevedra: 1


  • Virgen de la Arrixaca University Clinical Hospital in Murcia: 1

  • Reina Sofía General University Hospital of Murcia: 1

  • Sta. M.ª del Rosell-Sta. Lucia from Cartagena: 2

Foral Community of Navarre

  • University Hospital of Navarre: 1

  • University of Navarra Clinic: 2


  • Son Espases University Hospital: 1

  • Son Làtzer University Hospital: 1

Basque Country

  • Araba University Hospital: 1

  • Cruces University Hospital: 2
  • Basurto University Hospital:1

  • Donostia University Hospital: 1


  • Central University Hospital of Asturias: 1

  • Cabueñes University Hospital: 1

Castile and Leon

  • León University Assistance Complex: 1

  • Salamanca University Assistance Complex: 3
  • Valladolid University Clinical Hospital: 2

Madrid’s community

  • La Paz University Hospital: 2

  • University Hospital October 12: 3

  • Ramón y Cajal University Hospital: 4
  • Puerta de Hierro University Hospital: 2

  • San Carlos Clinical University Hospital: 1

  • Infanta Leonor University Hospital: 1

  • University Hospital of the Princess: 2

  • General University Hospital Gregorio Marañón: 2

  • Jiménez Díaz Foundation University Hospital: 1

  • Rey Juan Carlos University Hospital: 1

  • Prince of Asturias University Hospital: 1

  • Severo Ochoa University Hospital: 1

  • Fuenlabrada University Hospital: 2

  • Infanta Cristina University Hospital: 1

  • Infanta Sofía University Hospital: 1

  • Alcorcón Foundation University Hospital: 2

  • Torrejón University Hospital: 1

  • University Hospital of Navarre: 1

  • University of Navarra Clinic: 2

Valencian Community

  • Alicante General University Hospital: 2

  • Sant Joan University Hospital: 1

  • La Fe University and Polytechnic Hospital: 2

  • Doctor Peset University Hospital: 1

  • Valencia University Clinical Hospital: 2

  • General University Hospital of Valencia: 2

  • Valencian Institute of Oncology Foundation: 1

Although it may contain statements, data or notes from health institutions or professionals, the information contained in Redacción Médica is edited and prepared by journalists. We recommend to the reader that any health-related questions be consulted with a health professional.

#MIR23 #distributes #desired #places #Derma

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