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Minutes of the Council of Ministers of Thursday March 30, 2023 – Conakryinfos.com

The Ordinary Session of the Council of Ministers was held this Thursday, March 30, 2023 from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m., under the High Authority of his Excellency the President of the CNRD, President of the Transition, Head of State, Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces, Colonel Mamadi DOUMBOUYA.

The following items were on the agenda:




His Excellency the President of the CNRD, President of the Transition, Head of State, Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces, Colonel Mamadi DOUMBOUYAbegan his message by asking Ministers to observe a minute’s silence in memory of our late Elhadj Ousmane BALDE (Without Law).

To this end, he indicated that Elhadj Ousmane BALDE, in addition to being the husband of the Minister of Environment and Sustainable Development, was a revered man and a major economic operator in the Republic of Guinea.

For the President of the Transition, his call to God represents a great loss for the entire Nation and that in this painful circumstance, he presented in his own name, in the name of the Government, in the name of all the People of Guinea, the most moved condolences to the family, to the loved ones of our late Elhadj Ousmane BALDE. May God accept him in his paradise. Amen! To this end, the President of the Transition announced that the CNRD and the Government will send a delegation to Fatako to attend the funeral.

Then, the Head of State carried his message on two points, namely:

  1. congratulations
  2. the reminder.

Under the first point, the President of the Transition sent his congratulations to the Minister of Infrastructure and Public Works as well as to that of Transport, respectively for the work of marking, signaling of our roads and for the laying of the first stones. three and soon four aerodromes in the interior of the country.

In the same vein, the Head of State mentioned that the issues of roads and airfields remain major challenges of the Transition. In this regard, he invited the Ministers concerned to pursue and ensure that the standards, costs and contractual deadlines are respected. By taking care of it personally.

Under the second point, the President of the Transition recalled that the instruction he had given during a Council of Ministers to take steps to free the rights of way of the road was effectively applied, however, point d he attention is to ensure that this continues over time to prevent any possible illegal or anarchic reoccupation by the local populations.



The Prime Minister, Head of Government, Doctor Bernard GOUMOUbegan his message by presenting, on behalf of the President of the Transition, of the entire Government, the most saddened condolences to the Minister of the Environment and Sustainable Development following the call to God of her husband.

To this end, he invited the Council to observe a minute of silence in his memory and to pray for the rest of the soul of the late Elhadj Ousmane Fatako Baldé “Lawless” who honorably fulfilled his mission here below.

Then, the Head of Government articulated his message around three (03) points namely:

– The reconstruction of regional aerodromes;

– The laying of the first stone of infrastructure projects and the award of contracts;

– The unfreezing of community accounts;

With regard to the first point relating to the reconstruction of regional airfields, the Head of Government recalled having proceeded to the laying of the first stone of those of Kankan and Faranah, last weekend.

Accompanied by the Minister Director of Cabinet at the Presidency and the Ministers in charge of Transport, Posts and Telecommunications, the Prime Minister affirmed to have been welcomed by the populations and local authorities comforted and full of hope for the acts that the CNRD at its Head of the President of the Transition, Colonel Mamadi DOUMBOUYA as well as the whole Government continue to pose in favor of reconstruction and institutional rectification.

In the same vein, the Head of Government informed that he proceeded on Wednesday March 29, 2023 to the laying of the first stone of the aerodrome of N’Nzérékoré and that of Labé for Saturday April 1, 2023.

The Prime Minister specified that it is overall a project of four (4) aerodromes with an overall cost of 59 million dollars which will be executed over 12 months.

In addition, he indicated that this project aims to rebuild and modernize the existing which has been destroyed and abandoned in places. In the same logic, he noted that this reconstruction is part of the perspective of relaunching internal air transport.

Regarding the second point relating to the laying of the first stone of infrastructure projects and the award of contracts, the Head of Government invited all the Ministers to accelerate the timetable for the laying of the first stones of infrastructure projects under their Departments, as well as the procurement process for unassigned projects both for studies and for their implementation.

To this end, he underlined that time is not a gallant man because it passes quickly and the activities to be carried out jostle in the agenda of the Government of the Transition. Hence the need to advance the field actions already planned.

For the third point relating to the unfreezing of community accounts, the Prime Minister informed that there are still projects in communities for which the accounts are still frozen. In this regard, he invited the Minister of Territorial Administration and Decentralization as well as the Governor of the Central Bank of the Republic of Guinea to give him an update on the situation, the deadline for which was March 29, 2023.

In addition, the Head of Government took advantage of this opening to recall that within the framework of the annual performance contracts, the period of internal evaluations is scheduled for next month and that a first activity report will have to sanction this stage before the evaluation of the ministry by a technical commission.

Finally, the Prime Minister recalled that on Friday March 24, 2023, the President of the Transition was very delighted to visit the Koloma construction site and to inaugurate the new television news set.

On this occasion, the Head of Government congratulated and encouraged the Minister of Information and Communication for the dynamism she wants to instill in our national showcase, the RTG.


2.1 The Minister of Health and Public Hygiene made a presentation on the draft law on HIV prevention, care and protection of people living with HIV in the Republic of Guinea.

To this end, he informed that as part of the implementation of the Government’s policy on the response to HIV, the National Committee for the Fight against AIDS (CNLS) through its executive secretariat has taken useful measures regulatory and legislative among which, there is Law/2005/025/AN of December 22, 2005, relating to the prevention, care and control of HIV /AIDS in the Republic of Guinea and Ordinance 0/2009/ 056/PRG/SGG of December 29, 2009.

He indicated that in view of the evolution of factual and legal data in the current context, the revision of Law L/2005/025/AN of 22 December 2005, relating to the prevention, treatment and control of HIV/AIDS is needed. It is on the strength of all these factors that the National Committee for the Fight against AIDS, in collaboration with technical and financial partners, has initiated this draft law relating to the prevention and care of people living with HIV in Republic of Guinea.


Ministry of Health and Public Hygiene

Communication on the draft law on HIV prevention, care and protection of people living with HIV in the Republic of Guinea.

The Council recommended to the Minister of Health and Public Hygiene to make the work more inclusive by involving all the sectoral departments concerned in order to take into account other pathologies such as hepatitis, which is more deadly today. as HIV before its next submission to the Interministerial Council for second reading.


  1. Madam Minister of Planning and International Cooperation informed the Council of the holding, on March 24, 2023 in Kindia, of the Round Table of Data Users of the Fourth General Population and Housing Census (RGPH-4), with the participation of the sectoral departments concerned.

She also informed the Board that a World Bank mission is currently in Guinea to review the SWEDD project with a view to providing technical assistance to improve the implementation of activities whose rate of execution remains weak (12%).

Likewise, she briefed the Council on Wednesday’s review of the results of the United Nations Development Assistance Program Framework completed in 2022.

  1. The Minister of Trade, Industry, Small and Medium Enterprisesinformed the Board of the organization of the validation workshop for the application texts relating to local content.
  2. The Minister of Culture, Tourism and Handicraftsannounced the launch of the construction of the craft village of Boké, the laying of the first stone of which is scheduled for tomorrow Friday, March 31, 2023.
  3. The Minister Secretary General of Religious Affairsinformed the Council of the launch of the 41st edition of the National Competition for the Reading of the Holy Quran placed under the Presidency of the Head of State, yesterday Wednesday, March 29, 2023.
  4. The Minister of Higher Education, Scientific Research and Innovationannounced the laying of the foundation stone of the General Lansana Conté de Sonfonia University Library, scheduled for tomorrow Friday, March 31, 2023.
  5. The Minister of Energy, Hydraulics and Hydrocarbonsgave a brief account of his participation in the World Water Conference organized by the United Nations in New York.
  6. Madam Minister of Information and Communicationinformed that from now on all payments of public media services attached to the Ministry, in particular RTG, Horoya, Radio Rurale, must be made exclusively by check or bank transfer only to accounts domiciled at the Public Treasury to facilitate recovery and better management of resources of these media.

It also informed the Council of the preparation of a communication campaign aimed at informing the population of the possibility of receiving its TV distributors outside its bouquets using a digital television set and a rake antenna RTG 1 and RTG 2 broadcasts in greater Conakry.

She also informed the Council that work to secure and protect broadcasting sites and rural radio stations in Conakry and the interior has started, as well as the deployment of technical equipment and materials on protected sites.

  1. The Minister of Justice and Human Rightsinformed of the arrival of the delegation of the Global Fund for Survivors since March 27, 2023 and the holding of a related workshop in the premises of his Department since March 28, 2023.

He also informed that our country has been selected to host the work of the 19th Session of the African Association of Francophone High Jurisdictions in the Republic of Guinea which will be held in December 2023.

Conakry on March 30, 2023

The Council of Ministers

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