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MINUTE BY MINUTE. Isolated in Jiquilisco hostel sleep in corridors due to overcrowding | News from El Salvador

So far in the country there are no registered cases of coronavirus, the Expanded Health Cabinet reported today

The Savior remains in quarantine since Wednesday This week, the measure, effective for 21 days, was adopted after the World Health Organization (WHO) declared the coronavirus as a worldwide “pandemic”.

With quarantine “All State portfolios, without exception, must be available to actions taken to prevent and curb COVID-19

At that time, President Nayib Bukele emphasized that there are no cases of coronavirus in the country.

Furthermore, for the same period of quarantine, educational activities were suspended, both in the public and private sectors.

Today the Salvadoran government today decreed red alert Throughout the national territory. The measure has at any given moment all the resources that the State needs to provide security and safeguard the population that is affected or at risk.

To the red alert decree, the government asked the Legislative Assembly to decree decree a State of Exception throughout the national territory.

Follow the development of the information:

9:50 p.m .: Some 700 people remain in the Jiquilisco shelter. The men’s assigned pavilion looks full, some are sleeping in the hallways due to overcrowding.

9:40 p.m .: Joel Flamenco Castillo, 87 years old, one of the travelers who arrived at the Jiquilisco hostel in the last hours. Like dozens of older adults, it has been isolated together with people from Europe, a region declared by the WHO as “the new epicenter of the coronavirus.”

9:20 p.m .: Penal Centers activates international health protocol in 25 prisons in the country and a psychiatric ward.

9:00 p.m .: Deputies continue on recess

8:30 pm. The Salvadoran Social Security Institute (ISSS) restricts visits to patients in hospitals to one per day and asks family members not to attend if they have flu-like symptoms. Calls on elderly users not to leave their homes and send a family member to collect their medications. These will be delivered with the DUI number and signature on the back of the prescription.

8:15 p.m .: People who die from coronavirus cannot be veiled, These are the guidelines to be applied by Legal Medicine

7:50 p.m .: Seven adults and two children are isolated in the Zaragoza hostel which has been enabled in the Zaragopolis tourist center. Parents and children who remained confined in the Jiquilisco shelter are transferred to this place.

7:30 p.m .: ANEP calls the authorities to take effective measures to combat coronavirus emergency respecting fundamental rights

7:20 p.m .: Parents with children who remain in Jiquilisco are currently transferred to another shelter

7:00 p.m .: Guatemala blocks entry to Salvadorans and Hondurans deported from Mexico

6:40 p.m .: Claudia Melara and Victor Urías with their 10-month-old and 3-year-old daughters remain in the Jiquilisco shelter, waiting to be transferred together to another isolation center.

6:35: Blind spots at borders remain guarded. With the red alert, President Bukele warned those who try to enter the country through these areas that they will be arrested.

Photo: Courtesy PNC

6:30 p.m .: Plenary session goes on a one-hour recess while each parliamentary group discusses the draft decree related to the emergency by coronavirus.

6 o’clock: With 65 votes the Legislative Assembly approves the incorporation of the two draft decrees for coronavirus emergencies sent by the Presidency.

5:55 p.m .: LIVE: Deputies discuss emergency and State of Exception decrees sent by Bukele in extraordinary plenary

5:50 p.m .: Resumes extraordinary plenary session to analyze emergency decrees and Presidential Exception Status.

5:40 p.m .: Assembly of inmates in the Jiquilisco hostel. Parents with children will be sent to another shelter. They hope it will be a place with better conditions.

5:40 p.m .: Deputies Mario Ponce and Nidia Díaz report that Bukele He would be sending the Legislative Assembly two decrees: one to declare a national emergency and the other for states of emergency. The first has the support of the FMLN; while the second will be studied by the other parties.

5:30 p.m .: Mario Ponce receives documents of emergency decrees and exception from the Presidency.

5:15 p.m .: The Directorate of Public Shows, Radio and Television, announces the suspension of functions in cinemas

5:03 p.m. User Dinosafie (on Instagram) asks the government to avoid overcrowding at the Jiquilisco shelter, assuring that more than 700 people are already there.

4:45 p.m. Thus the afternoon passes in the refuge of the Tierra Blanca canton in Jiqulisco, Usulután. Some people have washed their clothes, others are looking for ways to entertain themselves with mobile devices

4:30 pm. National football 30 days suspended due to coronavirus. There will be no activity during all this time following the red alert issued by the central government

4:20 p.m. Fusades: an exception regime that restricts all constitutional guarantees mentioned in art. 29 of the Constitution, in a disproportionate way, would go against our legal system.

4:00 p.m. Benjamin Bloom Hospital suspends outpatient, selective and outpatient surgery. The measure is effective from Monday March 16.

Official Notice of Irregular Service at Bloom Hospital

4:15 p.m. Order room dignified treatment of citizens who are in quarantine in El Salvador

4:00 p.m. Deputies discuss in extraordinary plenary the State of Exception requested by Bukele

3:45 p.m. People in the shelter of the Tierra Blanca canton, Jiquilisco, Usulután, need water (in a bag or bottle), powdered milk, diapers, fruits, fans. In the place there are 15 children. 7671-0582 contact number to coordinate delivery

3:30 pm. Migration reports the arrest of two Nicaraguan nationals for entering the country through a blind spot on the Las Chinamas border.

Photos courtesy

3:00 pm. Social Security in the Zacamil neighborhood restricts visits to hospitalized patients. The measure is made by the announcement of a red alert for coronavirus decreed by Civil Protection. There will be a single visiting hours that is from 12:00 to 2:00 in the afternoon.

General Hospital of Social Security. EDH Photo / Archive

2:45 p.m. In the shelter located in the Tierra Blanca canton in Jiquilisco, Usulután, isolated people have formed a board of directors. Some complain about suffocating heat.

2:15 p.m. There are 435 people in quarantine in the different shelters, other facilities will be enabled in the next few hours. Environment in the isolates of Jiquilisco and Zaragoza.

2:00 p.m. In a press conference, presidential commissioner, Carolina Recinos, details the scope of the red alert decreed this morning, it also maintains that there are no records of coronaviruses in El Salvador; In addition, he explains that the exception regime requested by Bukele to the Assembly does not include situations that are not related to the coronavirus.

1:50 p.m. The Ministry of Health has posted on its website the meter where the confirmed cases of COVID-19 would be registered. The account is at zero.

Meter posted on the website of the Ministry of Health

1:45 p.m. Headlines of the Chamber of Commerce fear coronavirus trade crisis. The union president asked to remain calm, take the necessary measures and continue with normal life so that a crisis is not created in the country.

1:30 p.m. Lawyers say that in El Salvador it does not apply to decree “state of emergency”. Constitutionalists explain that the suspension of constitutional rights must be regulated by the Constitutional Chamber and the cause that President Nayib Bukele exposes does not generate the suspension of all fundamental rights, such as freedom of expression and interference with communications.

1:15 p.m. Given the red alert issued by the government, the 30B bus route implements cleaning and sanitation days for each unit at the end of its journey throughout San Salvador.

EDH Photos / Jessica Hompanera

1:00 pm. These are the rights that would be affected Salvadorans if the Assembly approves Bukele’s request. The justification given by the president is the declaration of a red alert for the coronavirus, citizens, just like in time of war, lose their freedom of mobilization, freedom of expression, prohibition to enter or leave national territory, as well as the freedom to associate .

12:45 p.m. Rubén Darío street in the center of San Salvador at this time. Sellers say the influx has dropped a lot. Temen that trade will be further affected during the next few hours

12:30 pm. Cardinal Rosa Chávez and entourage, isolated after arrival from Italy, one of the countries with the most contagions of coronavirus. A video circulated on social networks denouncing preferential treatment with the religious, however the authorities clarified that they were subjected to the protocol established for all.

12:00 m. “They should be a priority.” The drama of the children who remain in quarantine. A mother pleaded for her two-year-old son to be released to relatives, but was not allowed. According to the PDDH, there are at least 20 children in shelters, despite the fact that the Government said that children, pregnant women and the elderly would not quarantine.

11:30 a.m. In isolation places breakfast was served, the menu included two pupusas and water

11:00 am. Salvadoran government decrees red alert for risk of coronavirus. President Nayib Bukele asked the president of the Legislative Assembly to convene the plenary to decree a State of Exception throughout the national territory.

10:30 a.m. Every Salvadoran who wants to enter the country, no matter where you come from, you must go to quarantine. The measure will be in force for the duration of the state of emergency, which has been in force since the previous Wednesday. Preventive isolation lasts 30 days.

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