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MINT trial days for girls take place

Depending on how the infection situation will develop in autumn, the MINT trial days for girls will take place in person or digitally during the autumn holidays 2021. MINT stands for: Mathematics, IT, natural sciences and technology, explains the Schweinfurt District Office in its press release.

One thing is certain: the best experiences around the so-called MINT subjects can be made by experiencing them directly on site? the organizers of the MINT trial days agree on this. Therefore, the trial days should take place this year in strict compliance with the corona protective measures in attendance at the Würzburg-Schweinfurt University of Applied Sciences and at the Schaeffler Technologies company.

On Wednesday and Thursday, November 3rd and 4th, girls from eighth to twelfth grade can get to know their talents in 35 different workshops and immerse themselves in technical and scientific topics.

According to the press release, the aim of this special offer is to expand the possible career choices of girls in the direction of technology or natural sciences. Schoolchildren from secondary schools, secondary schools and high schools can register for various workshops with many practical applications, which are carried out under the guidance of supervisors and accompanied by students.

The program at a glance

On Wednesday, November 3, the company Schaeffler Technologies AG & Co. KG is offering twelve workshops. The University of Würzburg-Schweinfurt invites the students to another 23 workshops on Thursday, November 4th. The trial days take place between 8.30 a.m. and 3.30 p.m.

The themes and mottos vary, writes the Schweinfurt District Office, and are for example: “Come on, print with us ?? in 3D!”, “We create a metal picture frame”, “The electronic cube”, “We create a 3D City model “,” Changing Colors “with LED light effects or” Candle light made by yourself “. Some of the workshops are also offered digitally.

In order to be able to reach the event locations in Schweinfurt optimally, a free bus transfer from the districts of Main-Spessart, Haßberge, Bad Kissingen and Rhön-Grabfeld is offered.

Registration, appointments and directions

The appointment on November 3rd will take place at Schaeffler Technologies in Fritz-Drescher-Strasse (FAG / Schaeffler Tor 4) in Schweinfurt. On November 4th, the participants will meet directly at the University of Applied Sciences Würzburg-Schweinfurt at Ignaz-Schön-Strasse 11 in Schweinfurt.

If the infection situation does not allow a face-to-face event at this point in time, a changeover to a purely digital offer must be made at short notice. It is therefore advisable to request the latest information on the aforementioned general website for the MINT trial days. Before underage schoolgirls can participate, a registration form signed by their parents must be submitted in advance. This is already possible online as part of the registration.

The project is a cooperation between the University of Applied Sciences Würzburg-Schweinfurt and Schaeffler Technologies AG & Co. KG, the city and district of Schweinfurt and the districts of Haßberge, Main-Spessart, Bad Kissingen and Rhön-Grabfeld, the Federal Employment Agency Schweinfurt, the knowledge workshop Schweinfurt, the VDI and the Region Mainfranken GmbH.

The booking period for the workshops starts on September 16 (until October 18) online at www.schnuppertage.fhws.de

There you will also find details about the individual workshops, bus timetables and the overall organization.

additional Information Interested parties can also contact the Würzburg-Schweinfurt University of Applied Sciences, for example by phone at: (0931) 3511-8549 or by email at [email protected]

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