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Minors are now allowed less on TikTok | NOW

TikTok is introducing stricter rules for underage users. For example, the possibilities to respond to videos made by children between thirteen and fifteen years old are being limited, the music video app reports on Wednesday. website.

This restriction is part of a larger package of measures for minors. TikTok will change the default privacy settings for all accounts of children between the ages of 13 and 15 on Wednesday. Their accounts are automatically switched from public to private.

The possibilities to respond to videos of children between thirteen and fifteen years old are therefore also limited. The films made by children of that age group can now only be viewed by friends and no longer by everyone. Also, their account is no longer presented to others.

Only the so-called Duet and Stitch settings are adjusted for sixteen and seventeen year olds. The Duet function lets you record your own video alongside someone else’s, the Stitch setting lets you cut scenes from another user’s video and use them in your own. The default settings are adjusted for both functions, so that these videos can only be viewed by friends.

Also, downloads are only allowed on videos created by users aged 16 or older. Adults can decide whether to allow video downloading, but the settings are turned off by default for users aged 16 and 17. The young people can still decide to turn this option back on.

“We want our younger users to be able to make informed choices about what to share and with whom, including whether they want everyone to view their account. By involving them early in the privacy journey, they can make more conscious decisions about their online privacy, ”says TikTok.

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