Home » today » Sport » Mino Raiola, the well-known football player prosecutor has died – Football

Mino Raiola, the well-known football player prosecutor has died – Football

Mino Raiola died at 54. The news was given by the family of the most famous prosecutor in the world of football, with a statement published on the agent’s Twitter profile: “With infinite pain we announce the death of Mino, the most extraordinary prosecutor ever. Mino fought until the end of the match. ‘last instant with all its own strength as he did to defend footballers. And once again he made us proud of him, without even realizing it. “Then he added:” Mino was part of the lives of many players and wrote an indelible chapter in the history of modern football. We will miss him forever and his project to make football a better place for players will be carried out with the same passion. “

“We will give our heartfelt thanks – we still read – those who have been close to him and we ask everyone to respect the privacy of family and friends in this time of great pain. “Raiola had been operated on in January, his condition was already serious. He had been ill for some time.

Raiola was born in Nocera Inferiore, raised in Holland, he started working as a boy in his parents’ pizzeria. He was among the wealthiest agents. He looked after the interests of the likes of Ibrahimovic, Pogba, Verratti e Donnarumma: the negotiations with the companies were exhausting. He did not get up and they did not finish until he had managed to snatch the best contract with several zeros for his assisted him. On Thursday the news of his death had spread, but it had been proven wrong by the hospital and family.

Agnelli: “Don’t make fun of Heaven, I love you”

“Don’t make fun of Heaven, they know the truth … tvb Mino”. With this affectionate message, written in English (“Don’t take the piss in paradise, they know the truth …”), the president of the Juventus, Andrea Agnelligreeted his friend Mino Raiola on Twitter.

Marotta: “We lose a friend and a great professional”

Even the CEO ofInter, Beppe MarottaRaiola wanted to remember: “I am heartbroken by the death of Mino, a friend and a person of high competence. The world of football loses a great professional. We have lived many positive moments together, of collaboration and intense work, with some contrasts but always correct, respecting people and professionalism. The memories – Marotta said – are many, one above all the double operation on Pogba with the passage from Manchester United to Juventus and from Juve to United. A great masterpiece in which Raiola has played an important role. The world of football loses a great professional, often critical of the system but his criticism was very constructive for ever better football “.

AC Milan: “We gather around the Raiola family”

The coat of arms of the Milan and the symbol of mourning to remember Mino Raiola. This is how the Rossoneri club remembers the king of prosecutors, gathering around his family. “AC Milan gathers around the family of Mino Raiola and the people dear to him on the day of his death”.

De Laurentiis: “The disappearance of Raiola pains us”

“The news of the death of Mino Raiola pains me and all of Napoli. Our warmest and most sincere condolences and our closeness to his family”. It is the condolences of the president of the Napoli, Aurelio De Laurentiison Twitter for the disappearance of the Italian-Dutch agent.

Galliani: “Innovator and loyal friend”

Adriano Galliani he is affectionately close to his family and mourns the death of his dear friend Mino, a great football manager, innovator in his sector and always loyal in negotiations. Rest in peace. “This was the message that appeared on the Twitter profile of the Monza.

Capello: “For me Raiola means Ibrahimovic”

“For me Mino Raiola is linked to Ibrahimovic, the first time I met him he was his agent”. This is the first memory of Fabio Capello of the prosecutor who passed away on April 30 after a long illness. “He was a decent person. He has built a fortune and in a good way, with great ability: he has shown that he can do what a prosecutor must be able to do.”

Moggi: “I considered him when everyone called him a pizza chef”

“Mino Raiola was a friend, he was born with me when I was general manager of Juventus,” he said Luciano Moggi a Tuttomercatoweb -. ‘When everyone called him a pizza maker, I gave him the utmost consideration because I understood who he was. I’m sorry that so many played on his death when she wasn’t real. “

Udinese: “Reference of world football”

“Gino Pozzo and all theUdinese Calcio express their condolences for the untimely death of Mino Raiola, a leading sports agent on the world football scene. Our deepest condolences go to the Raiola family “.

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