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Ministry of Transportation Permits Lebaran Homecoming This Year

Jakarta, CNN Indonesia

The Ministry of Transportation (Kemenhub) will not prohibit the public from homecoming Eid this year, even though the corona pandemic has not subsided.

Minister of Transportation Budi Karya Sumadi revealed that he would create a strict health protocol mechanism prepared by his party and the Covid-19 Task Force.

“Regarding the 2021 homecoming in principle, the government through the Ministry of Transportation will not prohibit it. We will coordinate with the Task Force that the homecoming mechanism will be regulated together with tightening, and do so. tracing to those who are going to travel, “said Budi Karya in a working meeting with Commission V DPR RI, Tuesday (16/3).

He also warned of a potential increase in passengers, especially after the corona vaccination was carried out.

“We have mapped several important issues. There will definitely be a surge. The vaccination program is predicted to make people want to travel,” said Budi.

As is known last year the government banned the Eid homecoming. This was done in order to reduce the spread of the corona virus between regions.

[Gambas:Video CNN]


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