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Ministry of Religion Estimates Hilal 1 Shawwal will be seen on May 1, 2022

JAKARTA, KOMPAS.com – The Ministry of Religion assesses the position reckoning hilal in Indonesia during the isbat trial 1 Syawal 1443 H to come can already be seen.

Director General of Islamic Community Guidance Ministry of Religion Kamaruddin Amin noted that the position of the crescent moon at the isbat session to be held on Sunday (1/5/2022) has met the new criteria set by MABIMS (Minister of Religion of Brunei, Indonesia, Malaysia, and Singapore).

“In Indonesia, on 29 Ramadan 1443 H which coincides with May 1, 2022, the height of the new moon is between 4 degrees 0.59 minutes to 5 degrees 33.57 minutes with an elongation angle between 4.89 degrees to 6.4 degrees,” explained Kamaruddin as quoted by Antara. from his written statement, Monday (25/4/2022).

“This means, by reckoning, on that day the position of the early Shawwal hilal in Indonesia has been included in the new criteria for MABIMS,” said Kamaruddin.

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He explained that the Isbat session which will be held at the Ministry of Religion office will be preceded by the process of observing the new moon which will be carried out at 99 locations throughout Indonesia.

According to the new criteria of MABIMS, imkanur rukyat considered eligible if the position of the new moon reaches a height of 3 degrees with an elongation angle of 6.4 degrees.

This criterion is an update from the previous criteria, namely 2 degrees with an elongation angle of 3 degrees which received input and criticism.

Kamaruddin added, the government will hold an isbat session, using the reckoning and rukyat methods, where the position of the Shawwal hilal will be presented by the Hijriyah Calendar Unification Team who will then wait for rukyat reports from all over Indonesia.

Rukyat used as confirmation of the reckoning and the criteria used. The two things, namely the reckoning and confirmation of the implementation of the rukyatul hilal, will be discussed in the isbat session for further decisions to be made in the early Shawwal 1443 H,” explained Kamaruddin.

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Kamaruddin also delivered this explanation at the MABIMS astronomy expert meeting which took place online on Thursday (21/4/2022).

In the meeting, Kamaruddin said, the application of the new MABIMS criteria is expected to bring up formulations and ideas that are beneficial for Muslims in MABIMS member countries.

“We need to create a conducive atmosphere for Muslims, especially in the field of reckoning rukyat. We hope that this forum can produce bright ideas to support the progress of reckoning rukyat in the Islamic world in general,” he added.

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