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Ministry of Public Health Condemns Attack on Emergency Department at Abdullah Al-Rassi Governmental Hospital

The Ministry of Public Health has strongly condemned the recent attack on the emergency department at Abdullah Al-Rassi Governmental Hospital in Halba. The media office at the ministry expressed its outrage and called on the competent authorities to take immediate legal and punitive actions against the attackers.

In a statement, the ministry emphasized the dedication and commitment of the medical and nursing staff who continue to fulfill their medical and humanitarian duties despite the challenging circumstances in Lebanon. The ministry stressed that these healthcare professionals deserve support and appreciation instead of being exposed to unnecessary risks.

The ministry also highlighted the unacceptable nature of causing damage to hospitals and health centers, which not only disrupts their operations but also leads to financial losses. It emphasized the urgent need for the uninterrupted functioning of healthcare facilities, especially during these critical times when citizens require round-the-clock medical services.

The attack on the emergency department at Abdullah Al-Rassi Governmental Hospital is a grave incident that undermines the healthcare system and puts the lives of patients and healthcare workers at risk. The ministry urged the authorities to swiftly investigate the incident and hold the perpetrators accountable for their actions.

The Ministry of Public Health remains committed to ensuring the safety and well-being of healthcare professionals and patients. It called on the public to respect and support the healthcare sector, which plays a vital role in providing essential services to the community.

The attack on the emergency department at Abdullah Al-Rassi Governmental Hospital serves as a reminder of the challenges faced by the healthcare system in Lebanon. It is crucial for the authorities to take immediate action to protect healthcare facilities and personnel, as well as to address the underlying issues that contribute to such incidents.

The Ministry of Public Health will continue to work tirelessly to improve the healthcare sector and provide the necessary support to healthcare professionals. It is essential for the community to stand together and condemn any form of violence or aggression towards healthcare facilities and personnel.

The Ministry of Public Health calls on the public to report any suspicious activities or incidents that may jeopardize the safety and security of healthcare facilities. It is only through collective efforts that Lebanon can overcome these challenges and ensure the provision of quality healthcare services to all its citizens.

What actions does the Ministry of Public Health call for in response to the attack on Abdullah Al-Rassi Governmental Hospital’s emergency department?

The recent attack on the emergency department at Abdullah Al-Rassi Governmental Hospital in Halba has been strongly condemned by the Ministry of Public Health. The ministry’s media office expressed their outrage over the incident and called for immediate legal and punitive actions against the attackers.

In a statement, the ministry emphasized the dedication and commitment of the medical and nursing staff who continue to fulfill their medical and humanitarian duties despite the difficult circumstances in Lebanon. They stressed that these healthcare professionals deserve support and appreciation rather than being exposed to unnecessary risks.

The ministry also highlighted the unacceptable nature of causing damage to hospitals and health centers, as it not only disrupts their operations but also leads to financial losses. They emphasized the urgent need for the uninterrupted functioning of healthcare facilities, especially during these critical times when citizens require round-the-clock medical services.

The attack on the emergency department at Abdullah Al-Rassi Governmental Hospital is a grave incident that undermines the healthcare system and puts the lives of patients and healthcare workers at risk. The ministry urged authorities to swiftly investigate the incident and hold the perpetrators accountable for their actions.

The Ministry of Public Health remains committed to ensuring the safety and well-being of healthcare professionals and patients. They call on the public to respect and support the healthcare sector, which plays a vital role in providing essential services to the community.

This attack serves as a reminder of the challenges faced by the healthcare system in Lebanon. It is crucial for authorities to take immediate action to protect healthcare facilities and personnel, as well as address the underlying issues that contribute to such incidents.

The Ministry of Public Health will continue working tirelessly to improve the healthcare sector and provide necessary support to healthcare professionals. It is essential for the community to stand together and condemn any form of violence or aggression towards healthcare facilities and personnel.

They call on the public to report any suspicious activities or incidents that may jeopardize the safety and security of healthcare facilities. It is through collective efforts that Lebanon can overcome these challenges and ensure the provision of quality healthcare services to all its citizens.

1 thought on “Ministry of Public Health Condemns Attack on Emergency Department at Abdullah Al-Rassi Governmental Hospital”

  1. This is a deplorable act of violence against healthcare professionals who are working tirelessly to save lives. Our solidarity and support are with the Ministry of Public Health and all medical staff affected by this horrific attack. Such actions must be unequivocally condemned, and measures should be taken to ensure the safety of healthcare professionals and patients alike.


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