Home » News » Ministry of Interior Implements Death Penalty for Offenders in Eastern Province – Al-Marsad Newspaper

Ministry of Interior Implements Death Penalty for Offenders in Eastern Province – Al-Marsad Newspaper

Al-Marsad Newspaper – SPA: Today, the Ministry of Interior issued a statement regarding the implementation of the death penalty for two offenders in the Eastern Province, as follows:

God Almighty said (The recompense of those who wage war against God and His Messenger and strive to spread corruption in the land is only that they be killed, or crucified, or their hands cut off, or expel them from the strife, or exile them from the land; that is for them a disgrace in this world, and for them in the Hereafter is a grievous chastisement).

Ali bin Saleh bin Ahmed Al Jumaa and Musallam bin Hussein bin Hassan Al Abu Shaheen, Saudi nationals, targeted a security man by shooting and injuring him, shooting at a security vehicle, and possessing weapons with the intent of violating internal security. And Ali Al Jumaa covered up two people who opened fire on the security men, and Muslim Al Abu Shaheen sheltered and treated one of the injured in the exchange of fire with the security men.

By referring them to the specialized court, a deed was issued against them proving their guilt in what was attributed to them, and sentencing them to be punished by death.

The death sentence was implemented as a ta’zir punishment for the perpetrators / Ali bin Saleh bin Ahmed Al Jumaa and / Muslim bin Hussein bin Hassan Al Abu Shaheen – Saudi nationals – on Sunday 12/28/1444 AH corresponding to 07/16/2023 AD, in the Eastern Province.

2023-07-16 16:51:17
#statement #Ministry #Interior #implementation #death #sentence #offenders #shot #security #man #security #vehicle

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