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Ministry of Health: Highest Cost Limit Rapid Test Rp 150,000 Applies to Independent Patients Page all

JAKARTA, KOMPAS.com – Director of Referral Health Services Ministry of Health ( Ministry of Health) Tri Hesty Widyastoeti said, the highest price limit rapid test predetermined applies to all health services for independent patients.

Independent patients are intended for patients who do not participate in government assistance programs.

“The amount of Rp 150,000 is for independent patients. The point is not for screening which is government assistance, “Hesty said as quoted from the press release of the Task Force for the Acceleration of Handling Covid-19, Monday (07/13/2020).

The examination applies in all health facilities such as government hospitals, private, clinics, and various other checks.

Also read: Ministry of Health Has Not Regulated Sanctions Regarding Violation of the Highest Limit of Rapid Test Costs

According to Hesty, the price determination includes the cost of rapid test equipment, personal protective equipment (PPE) for medical personnel, including the cost of services, such as doctors or specialist doctors.

Although it has set the highest cost limit rapid test amounting to Rp 150,000, the Ministry of Health acknowledged there were no real sanctions related to the violation of the rapid test pricing.

He said he would look further related to various aspects related to price fixing both in terms of the community, health services, medical personnel, as well as distributors and providers of rapid test equipment.

“I think with the distributors who also helped, with prices that can also compete, it would certainly help the hospital. That’s what we expect, “explained Tri Hesty.

Also read: Ministry of Health: The Highest Cost Limit Rapid Test Applies to All Hospitals

Furthermore Hesty revealed, price fixing rapid test itself due to variations in prices that can make people confused.

In addition, regulations regarding pricing rapid test it is also an attempt by the government to avoid commercialization by the health service.

Previously, the Ministry of Health set the highest examination limits rapid test antibodies to detect corona virus (Covid-19) in the amount of Rp. 150,000.

This is stated in Circular Letter Number HK.02.02 / I / 2875/2020 concerning the Highest Tariff Limit Rapid Test Antibody.

Also read: Ministry of Health: Not Retail Equipment Price, IDR 150,000 Rapid Test Check Rates

The letter was signed by the Director General of Health Services Bambang Wibowo on July 6, 2020.

In a circular explained, these costs apply to people who want to do the examination independently.

The examination is also still being carried out by competent health workers.

Every health care facility was asked to follow the tariff limits set by the Ministry of Health.

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