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Ministry of Education Implements Online Education in High Crime Areas of Guayaquil and Durán

He Ministry of Education decided that 12 educational establishments of Guayaquil and Durán take advantage of the online education modality, for the high crime rates in the sectors where they are located.

The State portfolio detailed that in the District 8which covers the sectors of Nueva Prosperina, Lomas de la Florida, Fortín, Flor de Bastión, Balerio Estacio, Sergio Toral, Monte Sinaí, Ciudad Nueva, Ciudad de Dios, Hogar de Cristo, Ciudad Victoria, Ciudad Olmedo, Via Perimetral and Av. Casuarina, six schools take advantage of the virtual education until September 27, 2023.

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Likewise, he indicated that six other institutions of the District 24 (Durán) also receive online education, but until October 2.

Furthermore, he requested the National Police to carry out verifications on the premises of the aforementioned educational centers prior to returning to the face-to-face classes and to intensify patrolling during entry and exit times.

The statement indicates that in the case of the Durán canton, a constant evaluation of the situation, in coordination with the Police and the Ministry of Interiorto analyze the evolution of crime, so, if crime levels remain or worsen, virtual education could be extended.


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2023-09-25 01:21:31
#Education #establishes #virtual #classes #schools #Durán #Guayaquil

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