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Ministry of Education breaks silence on Easter celebrations

Easter celebrations: The Ministry of Education breaks the silence

The Ministry of National Education has finally communicated on the Easter holidays. In a press release, the department headed by Cheikh Oumar Anne informs that “the start of the holidays for the second quarter of the 2022/2023 school year, initially scheduled for March 31, 2023, is brought back to March 27, 2023 from 6 p.m. “. The return to class remains maintained on April 12. It thus confirms the information disseminated by Seneweb since yesterday.

However, the ministry remains silent on the reasons for this postponement. There are many Senegalese who are convinced that it is linked to the Sonko-Mame Mbaye Niang trial which resumes on March 30 with its share of tension and uncertainty. It should be noted that the demonstrations are already beginning to reach the school.

Auteur: Seneweb News – Seneweb.com

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