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Ministry of Education and Science ordered to conduct exams in universities online

The head of the Ministry of Education and Science Valery Falkov ordered to conduct final exams in Russian universities using distance technology. The order is published on the website of the Ministry (.pdf), it applies to subordinate organizations. For other universities, this measure is advisory in nature.

“To ensure the implementation of educational programs, including students passing intermediate certification and state final certification for the relevant educational programs, using e-learning and distance learning technologies,” the document says.

Recall, the Ministry of Education and Science recommended transferring education to remote mode from March 16 to prevent the spread of coronavirus.

Earlier, the Ministry of Health proposed to hold the exam in August-September. The university association recommends conducting a state exam only for those who plan to enter universities, and issue certificates in 2020 on the basis of school grades. Rosobrnadzor considers both scenarios.

Read more about the possible dates for the exam – in the material “b” “exam takes time.”

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