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Minister Visits Maluku Police Headquarters to Monitor Violence Against Children and Women Cases


Minister of Empowerment and Protection of Women and Children (PPPA) RI, I Gusti Ayu Bintang Darmawati visited the Maluku Police Headquarters in the context of monitoring cases violence against children and women in the Moluccas. Bintang appreciated the handling of the case of the priestess, Florensye Selvin Gaspersz alias Flo, who was found dead at the manse with an initial suspicion of suicide.

“I really appreciate the quick work of the regional police chief (Irjen Lotharia Latif) on the legal process for the death of Pastor Flo, who was also suspected of experiencing domestic violence beforehand, and an autopsy was carried out,” said Bintang in a written statement from the Maluku Police Public Relations Division, Wednesday (28/6/2023).

Bintang hopes that there will be a bright spot in the case of Pastor Flo’s death. “So that everything can be open and transparent. So that we can quickly get legal certainty,” he continued.

Bintang, who was monitoring accompanied by the Chief of the Indonesian National Police Daily, Benny Jozua Mamoto also appreciated the training held by Inspector General Latif for policewomen whose duties are in touch with the handling of cases involving women and children. The training carried out in between is sign language.

“We have seen the video of the policewomen’s activities earlier, and this is very extraordinary because the Maluku Polda Polwan has had a breakthrough with the ability to be able to speak gestures to support the smooth handling of criminal cases against victims of women and children with disabilities,” said Bintang.

“This is very extraordinary. Then we also want to convey that maybe in the near future the PPA Directorate will soon be realized for the ranks,” continued Bintang.

On this occasion, Bintang explained that cases of sexual violence against women and minors in Indonesia have increased. Cases of violence against women and children have been uncovered thanks to social media, where victims or witnesses have the courage to speak out in order to get justice and legal protection.

Bintang still said, the PPPA Ministry assessed that there were quite a lot of TIP cases in Maluku. “(Disclosing the case) is a very good achievement,” he continued.

In a meeting with Bintang, Monday (26/6), the Regional Police Chief explained the factors that caused cases of violence against women and children to occur in Maluku, namely the consumption of alcohol, drugs and promiscuity.

“At this time, we have opened an online dumas (public complaint). The public can immediately report what they are experiencing,” said Inspector General Latif.

The former NTT Regional Police Chief also said that his party continues to maintain relations with the Sign Language Foundation to continue to develop the capabilities and services of personnel, especially policewomen, for women and children with disabilities who are victims of violence.

“This training has also received certification so that they are able to communicate with victims of women and children with disabilities during examinations. We also involve a trauma healing team to accompany the victims so that psychological pressure does not occur on the victims,” ​​explained Latif.

Regarding the case of Pastor Flo’s death, Latif said that since the beginning of the case, he had ordered investigators to carry out legal proceedings, one of which was an autopsy until finally the exhumation of the body for an autopsy.

“When I received the report, I immediately ordered the staff handling the case to carry out the stages of investigating the incident, so that the facts behind Pastor Flo’s death were revealed as clearly as possible,” concluded Latif.


2023-06-28 17:16:47

#PPPA #Minister #Hopes #Pastor #Flos #Death #Case #Finds #Bright #Spot

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