The new FAQ from the federal government is causing resentment among a number of Flemish N-VA ministers. Both Ben Weyts and Matthias Diependaele have already indicated that they do not agree with a number of decisions, including the closure of dog grooming salons and the ban on home visits in the real estate sector.
The federal government’s new FAQ states that pet grooming salons should close and shelters should no longer admit public. Flemish Minister of Animal Welfare Ben Weyts (N-VA) believes that the decision is contrary to the most recent Ministerial Decree and wants to have the decision revised. The same story can be heard with his N-VA colleague in the Flemish government Matthias Diependaele, Minister of Housing. He is not happy with the decision that real estate agents are no longer allowed to organize home visits.
The cabinet of the Minister of the Interior Annelies Verlinden (CD&V) emphasizes that the rules are clear and that they should not be deviated from. “It is not allowed at the moment, no matter what others say. It is written in black and white in the FAQ of the federal government, ”said spokeswoman Sofie Demeyer. “If the Flemish government has a different opinion about this, this must be discussed again in the Consultation Committee, and an adjustment can be made if necessary. But as long as that has not happened, the rules will remain in force. ”
It will therefore be checked whether the rules are actually being followed. These checks will be carried out by inspectors from the FPS Economy, who can impose a sanction if the rules are not complied with.
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