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Minister Vandenbroucke does not rule out new lockdown: “It …


“In Flanders, where necessary, they have to think about stricter measures than the national minimum requirement.” Federal Minister of Health Frank Vandenbroucke (sp.a) said this on Sunday during VTM News. He does not rule out a new lockdown.

“It will be a difficult autumn,” the minister announced with fresh reluctance. “We can’t look forward to spring or summer now like in March.” Frank Vandenbroucke also talked about the measures. “In Flanders, where necessary, they have to consider stricter measures than the national minimum requirement.”

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He added that keeping your distance remains the most important thing for the time being and where that is not possible, a face mask should be worn. “The stricter and more careful we are now, the less drastic the next steps will be.”

The minister was also asked whether a new lockdown is imminent now that the corona figures are dramatically high. “I cannot guarantee anything. The only thing I can guarantee is that if we do it together and do the same thing, we have the best chance of achieving what we want to achieve: keeping the schools, making the companies work and ensuring that the hospitals can cope. ”

Frank Vandenbroucke (sp.a) also called on the young people to join the ranks, although he believes that many of them really follow the measures. “We have 2,000 beds for intensive care in our country. This capacity must also be safeguarded for young people. ” He added the examples of a young female basketball player who gets injured or a youngster who is badly burned and the fact that they also want to recover or get the necessary plastic surgery. “In order to preserve that capacity of the beds, there should not be too many infections.”


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