17 mark 2023, 18:49 | PAP
Photo: Paweł Supernak / PAP
The higher tax on the purchase of flats is to amount to 6 percent. Such a solution is to be attached to the draft law on state-supported credit, said Waldemar Buda, Minister of Development and Technology. In this way, the government wants to limit the purchase of apartment packages in one investment.
For several months now, the government has been announcing the introduction of solutions that will limit the phenomenon of buying apartment packages in one investment by funds and individuals. Waldemar Buda, the head of the Ministry of Development, revealed part of the information about the details worked out in an interview with PAP.
Changes as a throw-in to another project
— We plan that this will be a self-amendment to the draft act on state aid in saving for housing, submitted at the parliamentary level. We work out its final shape. It will be several solutions, so we would not want a new project, but we want to treat these “Secure Credit” provisions as one package – said Buda.
He added that the restrictions will apply not only to companies, but also to private individuals. What is important, a higher tax will only appear if the purchased flats are located in one investment.
– If someone wants to buy a larger number of apartments, but as part of various investments, this is no longer a dangerous practice. We will not be invasive here, said the minister.
6 percent from the sixth and subsequent apartments
— The problem is not to buy wholesale in one investment. If it is distributed in proportion to various investments, then there are no great concerns on our part. We do not want capital to flow abroad when it comes to purchasing real estate. If someone has capital and wants to buy an apartment in Poland, we should not restrict it,” he said.
According to earlier announcements of the Ministry of Agriculture and Tourism from the second half of January, institutions, investment funds or individual investors with at least five apartments could purchase another one not more often than once a year. The purchase of a sixth or subsequent apartment would be associated with the payment of a higher tax on civil law transactions in the amount of 6 percent, with the tax also being applied to transactions on the primary market.