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Minister of Welfare Siliņa has received permission for state secrets

Clearances are required for all ministers. Permission is required only for those MPs who work in Saeima commissions, where issues related to state secrets may have to be considered.

They are the Defense, Internal Affairs and Corruption Prevention Commission, Budget and Finance (Tax) Commission, Human Rights and Public Affairs Commission, European Affairs Commission, Legal Commission, National Security Commission, Foreign Affairs Commission, Citizenship, Migration and Social Cohesion Commission, Public Expenditure and Audits commission, as well as the Parliamentary Investigation Commission.

The period of personal examination is three months. If, for objective reasons, it is not possible to meet the three-month deadline, it can be extended up to another three months by notifying the person.

Taking into account the geopolitical situation, inspections are carried out especially carefully, says SAB.

At the same time, the previous practice of the Saeima shows that the absence of a permit may not prevent MPs from working in the individual mentioned commissions, because the agenda of the commissions is only partly made up of issues related to state secrets. Such deputies also acted without permission during previous parliamentary convocations. For example, the 13th Saeima member Jānis Ādamsons, who was later arrested for espionage for Russia, did not have permission.

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