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Minister of Sports heckled at the Bauer stadium, the Bobigny prosecution opens an investigation

An investigation has been opened for contempt of Sports Minister Roxana Maracineanu by the Bobigny prosecution. The minister was heckled Friday evening by supporters during a football match at the Bauer stadium in Saint-Ouen in Seine-Saint-Denis.

The Minister of Sports had come to attend privately on Friday evening the National championship match, third football division, between Red Star and Quevilly-Rouen. She was taken to task at half-time by a dozen spectators, while she was at the back of the stadium. She had to leave the stadium enclosure escorted by police
A video posted on social networks shows the former swimmer returning to her car under the jeers and wiping a few jets of water.

« I was arrested by a person who had a political message to pass, summarizes the minister. I had come to make contact with a club that defends values ​​in which I recognize myself. It is located a few steps from the heart of the next Paris 2024 Olympics and I want to support it. I’ll be back… “explained the Minister to the Parisian.

There was a troop effect, it got a little worse, in Macron mode, resignation and the police took responsibility for exfiltrating him from the stadium“, told AFP the entourage of the minister, in the midst of a challenge to the pension reform carried out by the government.

The investigation was entrusted to the Territorial Security of Seine-Saint-Denis. The president of the French Football Federation, Noël Le Graët, apologized on Saturday while the Red Star club promised to impose sanctions.

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