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Minister of Land strengthens partnership in urban development with Indonesia

The Minister of Land, Infrastructure and Transport of South Korea Won Hee-ryong and the Secretary-General of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) Kao Kim Hourn met on March 17 to discuss ways to strengthen cooperation between Korea and ASEAN nations. The meeting was held in Indonesia and touched on various topics such as infrastructure development, transportation, and tourism.

One of the main areas of discussion was the need to enhance connectivity between Korea and ASEAN nations. Minister Won highlighted the significance of strengthening transport infrastructure and promoting aviation cooperation between the two regions. He expressed willingness to work closely with ASEAN countries to ensure the success of the ASEAN Single Aviation Market initiative.

Kao Kim Hourn welcomed Korea’s interest in expanding cooperation with ASEAN countries, especially in the areas of infrastructure, transport, and tourism. He noted that ASEAN is committed to strengthening its cooperation with Korea and looks forward to exploring opportunities for joint projects.

In addition to enhancing connectivity, the two officials discussed the importance of sustainable development in infrastructure projects. They emphasized the need to promote green infrastructure and transportation systems that are environmentally friendly and energy-efficient.

Tourism was another key area of discussion, with both sides recognizing the potential for increasing tourism flows between Korea and ASEAN countries. The officials discussed ways to promote tourism cooperation, such as developing joint marketing campaigns, expanding air connectivity, and facilitating visa arrangements.

Minister Won also shared Korea’s expertise in smart city development, noting that Korean companies have been involved in numerous smart city projects in ASEAN countries. He expressed his hope for further collaboration in this field, which can lead to the development of sustainable and innovative urban environments.

The meeting between Minister Won and Secretary-General Kao Kim Hourn is part of South Korea’s ongoing efforts to strengthen ties with ASEAN countries. ASEAN is a key partner for Korea in the fields of trade, investment, and tourism, and South Korea seeks to deepen its cooperation with the association to maximize mutual benefits.

Overall, the meeting between Minister Won and Secretary-General Kao Kim Hourn highlighted the importance of connectivity and sustainable development in strengthening cooperation between Korea and ASEAN countries. They emphasized the need to work together to promote green infrastructure, enhance tourism cooperation, and explore opportunities for joint projects in various fields.

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