“Pipat” Minister of Labor reveals the total number of employers and insured persons registered to vote for the Social Security Board for the first time, more than 949,000.
Mr. Pipat Ratchakitprakarn, Minister of Labor Revealed to the media that Social Security Office Announcement of an election for the Social Security Committee to be held on Sunday, December 24, 2023, to find representatives from the employer side and representatives from the insured side, 7 people each, to provide opinions and policies for the management of the Social Security Fund. which is the country’s largest fund And it was the first election in Thai history. The insured persons, Section 33, Section 39 and Section 40, including employers that is paid into the social security system There will be an opportunity to enter the booth to choose representatives to take care of the benefits of insured persons and manage the social security fund to be stable. which will lead to improving the quality of life of employers and insureds to be better in the future
Minister of Labor It went on to say: Since opening the system for employers and insured persons to register to exercise their voting rights on October 12 until the registration system was closed on November 10, 2023 at 11:59 p.m., there were people who registered to exercise their voting rights. 945,609 persons on the insured side, 4,209 on the employer side, a total of 949,818 persons registered to exercise their right to vote. For insured persons’ representative candidates, there are 247 persons and 69 persons for employer representative candidates. Details will be announced. Names of voters and polling places on November 21, 2023, and the names of election candidates and candidate numbers will be announced on December 1, 2023 on the website. www.sso.go.th And at the Social Security Office, Bangkok, areas/provinces nationwide, you can ask for details. and additional election management advice at The center controls the election of representatives of employers and representatives of insured parties as members of the Social Security Committee. (Cor.Por.Kor.PorPorPor.) Tel. 02-956-2222 from 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. (every day, excluding public holidays)
2023-11-12 04:19:35
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