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Minister of Justice points out that correctional woodwork must be modern

Justice Minister recommends “Department of Corrections” to design wood products to be modern in the era of preparing to sign the MOU Department of Industrial Promotion. Find a design consultant Using valuable wood from drug confiscation increases product value. Convince prisoners “Create jobs – income” hope not to repeat the mistake.

On Jan. 31, ’64, Justice Minister Somsak Thepsutin said he had received a report from the Department of Corrections. To design work on expensive wooden furniture By the production of wooden furniture of the Corrections Department Has operated from the past to the present The objective is to focus on providing prisoners with skills, knowledge and expertise in carpentry and furniture, able to apply their knowledge to work for themselves and their families. After being punished So as not to return to repeat the wrongdoing By the wood used to produce wooden furniture Most of them are quality hardwood and are relatively rare. Which is considered a valuable and valuable raw material The sources of wood used for vocational training come from 1. Royal wood from the Royal Affairs Division 904 of the Royal Household 2. Logs or lumber purchased from the Forestry Industry Organization or private companies 3. Bark waste donated from the Royal Forest Department In the case seized and the case was finally reached 4. Logs received from donations from various agencies. Both public and private sectors

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Mr. Somsak added that in the past, the products of the Department of Corrections still have disadvantages, namely the design or the shape of the product is not outstanding. Not fit with the popular In addition, the product may have a flaw in the manufacturing process such as painting, wood. Lack of correct knowledge Making products made of expensive wood may look inferior in quality Due to the officers and prisoners May not have the opportunity to see the modern style. Or popular in the market At present, the Department of Corrections is in the process of discussing an MOU with the Product Design and Development Center. Department of Industrial Promotion To develop into a modern form Meet market demand In this regard, consulted with the Department of Industrial Promotion on 23 Dec ’20 and will propose the Department of Corrections to appoint a consultant for product design, wood furniture category. By allowing skilled prisons to come together to learn new types of work
Behavior Development Division is in the process of adapting plans to be popular. Including organizing a wooden furniture product design contest project For the general public and students to submit a form to participate in a contest to win money prizes In order to get new designs

“In the past, the craftsmanship of the Corrections Department was of good quality. But the design is not yet modern with the present. So I think that if we have a good design, such as a table, chair or cabinet that fits into a new home There will be more people to pay attention. Additionally, the precious wood that was seized from the drug network. We have many precious wood such as rosewood maca, these wood we can be processed to add a lot of value. Therefore, I believe that if we are trained to fit the era Having a good design, beautiful and quality will add value to the product and increase inmates’ income. And able to train professionally When they are punished, they will have a job. Not going back to doing the same mistake again, “said Somsak.

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