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Minister of Justice Begins Disciplinary Investigation Against Judge Iolanda Apostolico

ROMA – The CSM does not move against judge Iolanda Apostolico and the Minister of Justice Carlo Nordio decides to take the path of disciplinary action. And as a first step it opens a preventive investigation, sending its inspectors to Catania who will have to verify whether the judge can actually be put under disciplinary investigation for having participated, five years ago, in a civil society demonstration against the ban of the then Interior Minister Matteo Salvini not to let 177 migrants off the Diciotti ship.

Apostolico frees other migrants. On the video the policeman portrays himself and the Interior Ministry does not give explanations by Alessandra Ziniti 12 October 2023

Twelve minutes passed midday when the Adnkronos news agency “learned” and published the news that “the Ministry of Justice has started the preliminary investigation against the Apostolic magistrate”. And he adds that it was the Keeper of the Seals who “arranged it” “through his inspection office”. So Nordic decided to send the inspectors given that the minister himself, speaking to the newspaper Libero on Sunday 8 October, said that “the judge of Catania could demonstrate but she shouldn’t”. Never denied interview, in which Nordic he adds that “the Minister of Justice cannot express his opinion on this specific case before having acquired all the necessary elements. Questions have been announced. We will investigate immediately. Officially we don’t even know whether the magistrate participated in that demonstration or not.” Considerations of the Keeper of the Seals himself which evidently go in the direction of verifying what Apostolico actually did. A verification that cannot be resolved in a simple collage of newspaper articles.

After insistent denials by the Justice Department itself over the last 10 days, which did not confirm the intention to Nordic to follow the disciplinary path, as happened instead in the case of the Milan magistrates who had placed the Russian Uss under house arrest, here the Keeper of the Seals decides instead for the investigation. Precisely on the same day as the Minister of the Interior Plant yourself responds to a question from the Democratic Party in the Senate.

It’s a complicated step to take Nordicof which not even his undersecretaries were yet aware, and which involves the ministry against the judge Apostolic. The work of the inspectors who today should verify facts from five years ago is difficult, and it is not yet clear what nature of carrying out an investigation on the magistrate. The 007 in via Arenula cannot go into the merits of the jurisdictional decisions taken by the judiciary, so they will be able to retrace its provisions and verify only whether it respected the deadlines. The inspectors do not enter into the merits of the decisions.

Apostolic Video, the Interior Ministry: “Those images do not come from public order services. We will challenge the judge’s act.” And the carabiniere portrayed by Alessandra Ziniti 11 October 2023

Via Arenula hoped that the CSM would be the one to remove the chestnuts from the fire by proceeding with the possible request for an official transfer made by the lay councilor Amy of Forza Italia, president of the first commission. But the first commission, on Monday, also stopped at the practice to protect the magistrate requested instead by 13 colleagues, belonging to all currents, except the seven from the independent judiciary. We’ll talk about it next Monday. The Attorney General of the Court of Cassation, who together with the Minister of Justice is in charge of disciplinary action, has not even moved. Evidently Nordicwho proclaimed himself along the lines of Prime Minister Meloni, author of the first tweet against Apostolico, decided to act politically by sending inspectors.

2023-10-12 17:49:07

#Migrants #Apostolic #case #Nordio #starts #investigations #denies #sending #inspectors

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